Tuesday, February 23, 2010

H.W #39

Part A-
List of Questions:
1. How did school come to be?
2. What was the first public school ever?
3. Will there ever be an alternative to school?

List of Ideas:
1. School separates us based on the knowledge we show to have.
2. School can either make or break someone's self esteem
3. School goes hand in hand with the putting out there the ideas that media wants us to believe

List of Experience:
1. Small group of friends in all my years of school.
2. Stress of grades and keeping up with the work in a way you have always done.
3. Seeing how people get treated.

Part B-
When people think of school I'm sure the first thing that comes to their heads are "education, friends, knowledge" but do they ever think " gossip, enemies" and things of that sort? Most of the time no. Though school is made as a pathway to knowledge and a brighter future , at the same time there is a hidden pathway to depression, loneliness and so. We must admit that school was started with "good intentions" a way to keep us mentally healthy? To have a social life, while at the same time learning new things, but as time went on it turned into something soo deeply complicated.

School, for some people can be the greatest time , while others just pray for it to end as quickly as possible. Some can't handle the stress, some can't handle the bullying and the negativity from peers, this can ultimately lead to disasters. But what can be done? We can't blame the system for the way people are, because I believe the reason school has become so negative is due to the way people are. I believe school can lead some people to do things that they wouldn't other wise due. So far in all the years of school I've seen people who are extremely shy, they are picked on constantly , they are taken advantage of, and all I can think of is "why?" Why must people be this way to others? School is like a second home we spend about 6 hrs surrounded with the same group of people for yrs, shouldn't we treat them like family maybe? I would be interested in seeing why or how this can be changed.

Posted by Personal/PoliticalCarol at 7:25 PM 0 comments

* Finally got it up, not going to go on about why its late, but here it is*

My group for this art project was Ellen and Moe. Initially we had a set plan on what our video would look like, it was going to be the "8 Rules of Cool" BUT as you can see that didn't really work out. We were stuck on ideas and decided to take a break and started having just random conversations , which Ellen so slickly (-_-) tried to record on the camera. We went on with topics of anything that came to mind, but ended up on the topic of alcohol and different lifestyles.

The insight i guess could be portrayed as showing different views of cool, based on our back round. As we know Moe is Muslim, so his view and ideas of what is good, wrong, bad, right and cool is very different from my 23 yr old cousins lifestyle, that she is ultimately used to. I guess people can see from our video that cool varies, cool is made out of what we believe , and were raised to believe. This just proves the point that cool can be soo different .

Based on this project making art is not soo cool, its actually really difficult, when it comes to a video at least, there's a lot of thinking and planning that goes into it, very different from a simple painting or drawing, as i did in the last unit. When it comes to the final outcome art is very cool though (not sure if our video falls into the category tho) Seeing the hard work being paid off and how beautiful the outcome is , is ultimately cool.

H.W #40

Interview with my brother!
Do you think having boys and girls in the same class effects on there grades?!
No because if there going for the goal of getting educated and learning then it wont matter if they be with the other sex in the same class!

If we put boys and girls in separate schools, who do you think would do better (boys or girls)? Girls, because most of the boys are always trying to act like there too cool to do homework!

Why is it easy to go on (Face book and aim…etc) but it’s hard to do homework?
Because homework is something that has to be done on a certain date and time so they have to do it, and when you have to do something its harder to do it, but face book or aim...Etc is something you do for fun so it’s easier!

What’s your experience of being a student? Was your school different then the high school of this year?! Being a student is a responsibility of doing homework and waking up for school, and my school was separated where I only was with boys and it was more serious then high school in America!
Interview with a cousin
Do you think having boys and girls in the same class effects on there grades?!
Yes, because the age of the students in high school (teen) is the age that the person be thinking of the other sex a lot so In my opinion it does effect on there grades!

If we put boys and girls in separate schools, who do you think would do better (boys or girls)? Boys, because the mentally ability of thinking is more active in boys then it’s with girls, so I think boys would do better!

Why is it easy to go on (Face book and aim…etc) but it’s hard to do homework?
Because Face book is something for fun, homework is something boring to do and it something that you have to think hard to get it done so the student would rather face book and aim and all those stuff better than doing his homework because he’s already bored from school!

What’s your experience of being a student? Was your school different then the high school of this year?
It was hard being a student because I never liked to wake up early nor do homework and I think it’s the same because I went to a high school in America and it was basically the same.

Interview my self!
Do you think having boys and girls in the same class effects on there grades?!
I think it does effect because boys or girls be focusing on getting dressed and trying to get the other sex attention more than doing homework and focusing on school!

If we put boys and girls in separate schools, who do you think would do better (boys or girls)? I think girls would do better then boys, because guys are always paying attention to cars and getting money and girls! But I think girls pay attention more to school than guys!

Why is it easy to go on (Face book and aim…etc) but it’s hard to do homework?

Because we think that going to school is enough and its time to have fun and go on Face book and aim and all of those stuff so well just go on face book to have fun and forget about doing homework!

What’s your experience of being a student? Was your school different then the high school of this year?
Being a student is a big responsibility from going to school on time and doing work and studying, I went to high school in the Middle East for the 9th and 10th grades and then moved here! It was more serious over there and I was getting better grades when I was in a class with only guys and no girls at all! And the teaching system was way different and serious then America high school system!

Monday, February 8, 2010

H.W #39

Part A
3 questions I really thoughts were good about school were
1-why do we take useless math in school?
2-why teachers take it wrong (or get mad) when the student tries to improve them wrong?
3-why is it boring to be at school?

Part B
My first year at a high school in America was my junior year (2008/2009) I moved from another country from the Middle East, it was hard for me, new people and new language and new everything basically! I didn’t know what to do; I felt everything was awkward for me.
Even though it was awkward and hard, I knew deep inside that I would do it and fit in the school, and I knew learning English and graduating from high school is the best for me and its going to help me in my future, by going in a college with my diploma and major something and work…. and my life would go on.