Monday, March 22, 2010

H.W #45

Both agreed that testing results reflect reading levels in elementary grades, but Sizer questioned further uses of tests. Telling reporters that they haven't asked what tests suggest about students, he gave his strong opinion: "They correlate with rich parents and not much else. We have to stop equating serious education with test scores."

These are 2 different theories about school one (Sizer) that is teaching you how to think better and ask good questions, the other (Hirsch) is asking to memorize stuff! In my own experience I wont through both of these theories since I went to 2 different school during high school, and I think both of them has some good stuff and some bad stuff, the good think about memorizing stuff is you know a lot of information in your head that is important, as Hirsch says "Students should be able to read and know basic number facts by the end of the first grade". But the bad think is that it doesn’t teach how to think of things better and develop new ideas which is important!

The other theory (Sizer) helps me to think better and ask better question. And its good because it helps you to think better of everything. But the thing that I don’t like that its more focusing on teaching on how you need to think and it doesn’t give you this much of information of stuff around the world.

But if I was to pick which one is better.I think Sizer is better because in my own experience, when I first got here to America coming from school that teaches Hirsch’s way and went to a school that teach in a Sizer way, the school in the U.S (Sizer way) helped me to learn English in a year because its talking and thinking. As Sizer states, “Inspiration, hunger: these are the qualities that drive good schools. The best we educational planners can do is to create the most likely conditions for them to flourish, and then get out of their way.” This is why I was able to develop the language faster more than if it was focusing on memorizing stuff.

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