Sunday, September 27, 2009

Untitled from mohammed masoud on Vimeo.

Mohammed Masoud
• What are some thoughts and feelings you have when watching your own video?
• I thought that I am just a Robert doing some stuff that he have to do! Not moving, and I felt by looking at the video that I cant move from the couch, that I have to stay sitting down and I wasn’t feeling that while I was texting and listening to music on my I-pod and being on face book!

• When you think about living your physical experience being largely what is shown on the video, how does that seem to you?
I didn’t believe that I stay like this sitting down doing nothing except of moving my hands and for hours, I felt like I am a lazy person and if I would do that for hours everyday I would turn a fat kid

• Would you want your little sister (or future son) to spend a lot of time doing this stuff?
• No I wouldn’t like that for my little sister or my future son, and if you tell me why u don’t like it to your little sister or future son but your doing it, its because I got used to it already and I cant just stop it like that! So I won’t let my little sister or my future son to do it and get addicted to it and focus more in school and play more sports and have a better health and a better life!

• What do you think of the contrast between what's happening ON the digital representation device and what you look like interacting with the DRD?
• I looked like I was interacted with it a lot because I was smiling and I had this shocked face for a second from reading some text messages that I had! So I was focusing on it a lot more than other things!

• What do you think of ideas like the Wii that are supposed to make this contrast less stark?
I think the Wii is a video game but it had less bad effecting on the kids or the person whos playing than other video games because when you play on the Wii you move and be active not sitting down and not moving! Its like playing a real sport!

My best friend
1) What do you think about technology?
I think technology is good, because with out of technology we would be bored because no cell phones no video games no TVs no iPods ect…

2) Do you think that it’s affecting bad on us?

Yes and no! Yes it is, because people stay in front of the video games for hours, they can’t go out and do something and be more active!
No, because what we would be entertained with?

3)What would you think if technology was never invented and today society?
Life would be so dull and boring and people won’t know each other as much as they do today!

Homeless guy!
1) What do you think about technology?
It would be boring and we would have nothing to do!
I think technology shouldn’t be updated as it is today

2) Do you think it’s affecting bad on us?
Yes! Because people as in today are not as physical as they should be, since this technology makes them slack around.

3) What would you think if technology was never invented and today society?
if this technology wasn’t invented it would be more peace around the world since there wouldn’t be as much as violent.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

hw 4 first comment

A)i like how he is talking about the gaming and playing with friends while you be in diffrent places not in the same room and how it effects on him and i think he even does that and he knows it effects bad on him but hes still doing it!

B)you said it makes us stay home and lazy well evrything have a good thing and a bad thing, and we can take the good thing from it which is help researching and watching the news...etc , and get away from the bad stuff like wasting are time on it,not syaing dont play on the xbox , but not for hours, you have other stuff that you would do that would be fun and has less bad effecting on you!

C)i connect what he said that other people doesnt have phones or can order food online or on the phone because i think they dont have money thats first and they dont have the phones and computers! and these people r smarter and they be doing there homeworks and they be healthier than the people that do has these stuff!

D)i want to point out somthing on the " stop becoming this country more and more based on electronics" i think we be able to do that, because almost evrything now a days based on it, so if we going to stop its going to be hard and i dont think were able to do that! but what if somthing happend and got all the internet caught, what would we do in that time?

E)this post made me think of this question, what would happen to the people that has none of (phones or computers and xbox...etc) if we give them all these stuff?

F)i think kareem did a pretty good jop and he tried to expalne his thoughts good!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

some of the topices that the digital unite suggest to me is {company combition (new hot product) ipod, shop at home ( stay home ), new version (emails --> oldmail).when we sit on the computer or we be texting on the phone or watching t.v for hours thats a waste of time, and its not good for are eyes because of the lazer thing that the screen has.
Its not good for are health 2 because we be always sitting down on the computer or t.v, playing sport for having fun is much better than the computers and t.vs! using emails and paying bills online made using the mail less, and alot of the mail offices closed because they have no business, what if we lose the internet in the future what would we do? we be having not mail offices alot like before and we be having no email or intrnet to pay are bills onlinesome of the good stuff that we get from the electronices/ digitla stuff, is like knowing the weather for the next day or for the whole week, hearing the news and knowing whats going around in the world, getting to know more people by facebook or myspace!