Sunday, September 27, 2009

Untitled from mohammed masoud on Vimeo.


  1. Mohammad,
    I like how it felt like you were talking to the reader. I could imagine you saying this to me. I also liked how you talked about how you would turn fat if you did that all day. One more thing I liked was how you talked about how you felt in every question. You explained how and sometimes why you felt a certain way.

    The idea I thought you were trying to get across was that by sitting and not moving anything but your hands is not healthy. You also said that we are lazy and I think that is very true. Just the other day my friends asked me to go outside to play any sport and I said I was too lazy and tired. I think that if I were to spend less time on digital I would be more active. You also stated that you didn’t think I was a good thing and that we were all addicted. And that you would never let you son our sister use as much digital as we use.

    I think that because our generation is getting more and more lazy that the obesity rate will increase not because of over eating but because of people sitting all day not moving and using digital. This also connects to what I wrote about how I liked like a robot. I think that when we use our digital devices we turn into robots. We just do commands like type and read. When people create robots they try to make them as close to human as possible but because of digital the gap is closing between man and robot.

    I think you should proof read what you write or use word and copy and paste. I have horrible grammar and spelling so I know that when you read my comments you might see some mistakes. In the final paper you might not want to have mistakes or sentences that don’t make much sense. But I was able to understand what you were trying to say. You could have also spent more time if you wanted and add more detail. But overall it was good as it is. I like your ideas and the way that you presented it.

    I fell that when you talked about being addicted that it more that since everyone is doing it people do it. Of a large group of people were to stop using digital then some people might stop. But because it is so convenient people are not going to stop unless they are given a reason to.

    Nice work Mohammad.

  2. Mohammed,

    Something that really struck me in comparison to my video was the fact that your had background noise. I think it made your video stronger, and it allowed the watcher to remember that there was life going on in your world besides just the technology world happening.

    As I said before I believe that one of the main points of your video was to convey the idea that life continues to go on, even when you are in a sense being lifeless. In your video explanation comments you discussed how you feel as though you don't live this lifestyle. You said that if you did you would turn into a "fat kid". You said while watching this it makes you appear as a very lazy person. But don't you agree that you are apart of this laziness while you are using technology?

    If I were to connect to your piece I agree that I am apart of this lazy society. That each day I sit in front of my own screen not moving for hours. Yesterday I got home from a sleepover and decided instead of immediatly running to my computer to check my facebook, I suggested to my parents to take a walk in the park. We did, and it put me in such a better mood than just sitting around. We can choose to not participate in this lifestyle of lazyness but its up to us to make that choice.

    I think if you were to develop this further I would take the camera at a different angle. Like my video I only showed my face and didn't show what was being shown to me. I think it would be interesting to see what exactly what was drawing you into the cyber hypnotization.

    This video is so similar to many of the other peoples videos. The world has a generic computer look. It makes us all look like lazy human beings, and also makes us appear just like the characters in the movie "Wolie".

    Good Job, Keep up the good work!
