Sunday, September 13, 2009

some of the topices that the digital unite suggest to me is {company combition (new hot product) ipod, shop at home ( stay home ), new version (emails --> oldmail).when we sit on the computer or we be texting on the phone or watching t.v for hours thats a waste of time, and its not good for are eyes because of the lazer thing that the screen has.
Its not good for are health 2 because we be always sitting down on the computer or t.v, playing sport for having fun is much better than the computers and t.vs! using emails and paying bills online made using the mail less, and alot of the mail offices closed because they have no business, what if we lose the internet in the future what would we do? we be having not mail offices alot like before and we be having no email or intrnet to pay are bills onlinesome of the good stuff that we get from the electronices/ digitla stuff, is like knowing the weather for the next day or for the whole week, hearing the news and knowing whats going around in the world, getting to know more people by facebook or myspace!

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