Wednesday, December 2, 2009

“Yes I am cool, and I consider my self cool because I have a lot of friends and I’m funny so that’s cool.”

Do you think you can be cooler than this?
“I am cool but I don’t think I can be cooler than this, there are other people cooler out there but I think im at the average level of coolness.”

Do you think these cloths make you cool?
“I don’t think cloths makes me cool or makes anyone cool, cloths is just martial to cover are body with and cool is a personality and being nice, I mean that’s what it is to me, I don’t know about other people and what they think of it.”

Are you cool? And why you think your self cool?

How is your hair making you look cool? “It’s cute isn’t it? I mean I like it, and when I like something on me then I think it makes me look cool.”
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning, and It’s of course so you can look cool?
“I have to wake up early so I can get ready and it takes me 2 hours but when I get out I feel comfortable because I feel like I’m looking good and cool not dirty and ugly”

If you were asked to pick one of these( to have a good body or the best clothes) which one would you pick? I would pick the body because if my body is good then th cloths would fit on me good, and I don’t care what the cloths be (its like if you put the best cloths on a monkey he’s still a monkey) better body then people be cooler wwith me and I be the same to them, and specially guys.

When you buy cloths do you look a t price first or if you like it you buy it?
“I look at the (shirt or pants…etc) and see if it fits me good and I like it on me and the color goes with my skin color good then ill buy it and I wont care about the price, the best cloths that fits on me and look good at me makes me look great and makes ladies talk to me more, and that so cool”

Does it take you long in picking your clothes and the colors of what your going to wear?
Yes it does because I don’t like to wear many colors that doesn’t matches with each other than id look like a rainbow it takes me time , and my mom tells me I’m like girls I be sitting in front of mirrors but its not just girls that take care of themselves.

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