Saturday, October 3, 2009

h.m #8


I like how your saying that “were becoming like robots” were actually robots to the computer in some how, because when you be on the computer if you want something you have to do something to get it, like if you want to sign in on aim you need to put your password and screen name so the computer is making you do something so your actually taking orders from the computer in some how, and it makes the person that uses the computer like a robots in my eyes! I don’t know how other people think of it, but that’s the way I think of it!

In your writing u said I felt like I had no emotions , am argue you with that1 you had emotions but you didn’t show them your just seeing your self inside the computer your focusing a lot in the computer and the videos your watching and the music your listening to and the conversation your having with your friend and you smiled in the beginning because you were looking at the camera and you have your attention to the camera so there is some emotions!
I connect what we were saying in the class about doing many stuff in the same time, to what your doing, your watching videos and recording your self and talking to your friend, so when you be watching the video you forget chatting with your friend and you put your attention on the video and when your friend sends you something you go back to the conversation and you forget about the video! And then you had to stop the recording after 2 minutes, so many stuff in one time taking your attention and making you focuses there and like not do anything else or show any other emotions!
you used the headphone and not any cell phones or TVs and Sarah used the phone and not headphones and I used everything together haha! You could have used more digital devices to make you show probably more emotions or so we can see you using many stuff!
Your video makes me consider if using the computer and not moving at all for hours and holding us from eating or eating and sitting on the computer! Makes us fatter or skinner, and if we stop using it for hours would we get better health?
I like your writing about the video and what you thing of yourself and how you look like sitting on the computer for hours but in 2 minutes video recording! And your writing popped out a thought in my head about the robot and how we are robots for computers!
I enjoyed reading your writing about the video, and I liked how there was someone holding the camera for you and you were talking to them and then you told them to stop because its started recording. Hahah, and then after a little of talking to that person that’s holding the camera for you I felt like you forgot all about them you forgot that there is someone in front of you and you were focusing on the fb or MySpace whatever your doing on the internet! And then texting and then back to the computer! It toke your attention to forget someone sitting in front of you.
While you’re sitting on the internet I guess on (fb or MySpace) you were surprised from something to the level that you were chewing gum and when you saw that thing on the internet your face gave the surprised expression and you stopped chewing the gum both in the same time!
I connect how she stopped chocking gum and had the expression face to what we were talking in the class (disbodiment/displacement) that’s the person lose his/her control on what there doing from there face expression to stop chewing the gum to probably moving there hands or screaming, and that’s what happened with you Sarah you stopped chewing gum and your face gave the surprised expression!
You could have showed us what were you doing on the internet(your on MySpace or fb or watching videos on YouTube) and like it would be good too if you had a headphones on to show that you be doing more than one thing in one time like texting and computer and listening to music, even though when you be focusing on the internet or texting you forge the music you don’t hear the music anymore for a second in some how!

The video makes me consider if I be giving expression faces a lot and I was wondering how like all are attention goes to the thing were doing on the (computer or phone …etc) and we forget what were doing or the place were sitting at or even the people were sitting with! And it makes us sometimes to hold are selves from using the bathroom or eating if were hungry! But if it was homework to do we would go use the bathroom and eat and do everything and keep the homework till the end!

I really liked your video because it made me feel like I’m not just doing a homework I actually felt like I am learning something through this!

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