Sunday, October 25, 2009

h.w # 14

I read the short article about video games, the author is telling us that video game have good effects and bad effects on the person! The good thing that it makes you think sometimes or depending on the game your playing, makes you to think and figure out how to get other stuff to get to the next level! And the bad thing which is sitting home being in-active and not social with the world, reading books would be a better choice because it would make you think and get you smarter and it doesn’t hurt your eyes like how TVs does to the eyes!

johns made an argument that video games are created to make you curious wanting to know what’s the next game coming out and that’s why its addicting, but me my self I don’t think I would get addicted to video games, because its not like something in are blood that we need it to be normal, I can do other stuff that makes me forget about video games and just not think of it, I was about to buy an Xbox and a TV to put in my room like a month ago! But after what we learned in class I stopped! Because I didn’t want to get addicted to the TV and the Xbox and then stay up till 3 or 4 am and go to school late! Like what happened with Kevin! Or stay on it the whole day and be not healthy at all!

I think the article doesn’t agree with “feed” in everything because the author of the article believes that there is bad and good things in the digital world, but “feed” all his saying is that digital world is effecting bad on us and we should stop it and there is not good stuff from it not even a little! But I think the article and “feed” agreed on the one same point which is (reading books) and they said it make us think better and get in a better place than where we are right now! Better than doing other digital stuff like (TV’S, texting, face book…etc)

*I have some problems in reading English, it was hard for me but I tried my best!

feed B h.w #13

ART, I think it’s a piece of art because he made that imagine in are minds of what he’s talking about in the book and the image was of (comparing us teen to the character in the book) and that images came from reading the good words and the great meaning of them in the book, it’s a good way to write a book and make the reader have some images of what he’s trying to improve because it be easier to the reader to understand what’s going on!
Art is not a mirror with which to reflect the world. It is a hammer with which to shape it."-Bert Brecht
I think “feed” was like a mirror because its showing us what were doing in life and how things are going (same as the mirror it shows u if your smiling or jumping ...Etc).
I think if it was as a film we would have understood more stuff more clearly and better like when he was talking about the…. I didn’t know what that looks like, if it was as a movie it would have showed us and we would have knew how it looks and we would have knew what’s the other person is going to say probably!
I don’t think the writer of feed meant us(teens) in his book because other people are going to read his book like adults, adults the one that had less technology as we do today! The writer wanted us to connect what he’s trying to say in his book to are own life’s, to change the way we see life and get the right way to live it!

feed A h.w #12

feed, its basically talking about how were depending a lot on technology in our life to the level were addicted to it and we cant stop doing some certain stuff like (watching TVs, playing video games, cell phones, computers) , its might not clear to some people that there living that life, because they cant notice these stuff because there using them everyday and its normal to them they cant notice that its effecting bad on them some how! Feed is making of us and I think he can make fun of us because he’s right In his point and we deserve it!

feed is telling that what were doing in life is nothing and were getting nowhere , because if we want to calculate something well use a calculator if we want to get any information about anything well just go Google it on the computer or phone! This way were not getting any smarter, technology is closing are minds and making us think that its impossible to do what the devises can do for us(get information or calculate anything …etc) its like just use what we got from devise’s to get what we want (information or what ever) and not think of other way to get what we want and get smarter and be independent!

I agree with feed about are digital lives, were not doing anything we be texting most of the time with people probably talking about same stuff again and again, just wasting are own time , sitting not moving or doing anything healthy pressing these buttons! I am one of these people that be texting a lot, and I cant stop it its like I got addicted to it, its not just me its most of the teen in America were not getting the world any better, teen in the middle east don’t have i-pods or cell phones to text but most of them are doing there homework always and getting A’s in there class’s, because I think they don’t have anything to distract them on doing there homework and studying for there exams, and they want to learn so they can get money and live better life! We here have the money and cloths and girls and cell phone…etc and were not doing good as them!

most teens wont get to the tragic level of feed or they wont even notice it, most teens knows that what there doing is a problem and a waste of time (from texting and playing video games for hours…etc) they just don’t care and I don’t think they see it as a problem, because there having fun and there is nothing effecting bad that second on them, they don’t know that they could do a lot of other things that can teach them new stuff like reading books and they could like play sports better than playing video games(sitting down just watching the screen, imagining your self moving and jumping while your just sitting and not moving except of your fingers) , some teen just copy other people In texting and all that stuff because they think its cool to do because there friend is doing it and there friend is cool, its being someone else not themselves!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

hw #10

"And it is not all video games, it is the one's that are rated "mature" that parents are getting for their kids. i think it is the parents fault in some way at least."

this line is the most line that toke my attention, because i think i agree with the writer point! if it wasnt the parents whos paying the money to get the little kid the (xbox, playstation3...etc) then thwy wont be adicated to it and they would be doing some other good stuff! and if the parents tell there kid if hes old enough to work and get the money to buy that video game! than when the kid have the money and see how hard he worked to get the money he would think of other better stuff to buy tha th video game i guess!

there saying how bad ipods is effecting on us from the high volume on the ear! and its true because its happening to me, i always have my ipod on the highest volume so it makes my hearing less and less! and there is another thing bad from the ipods which is keep buying the latest one and buying songs on itunes! we can buy the songs from any other website for free and save are money, and buy some other good and better stuff for us!

this line was intresting "As far as dating goes you really have to be carefully if you do this on the Internet it should be done with cautious, because you really don''t know who yor''re picking up on the Internet" and its happening alot these days, 14 and 16 going on dates, do they really know what being in a realtionship means? from just seiding eachother pictures and talking on ther computer for couple of days and lets says weeks,i dont think this should make someone go with someone els on a date!

i liked the idea there giving us to make the bad effects on the kids less than when it be in there rooms, but let me ask this questions, how maney house is doing that? i think it would be %20 or probably less!
"perhaps the computer should be in the front room for everyone in your household to use, instead of in your childs bedroom"

hw #9

You had some background noise and a friend in the back, which is like what u “said there was life going on in your world besides just the technology world happening.”
And my bad about someone that was holding the camera for you but that’s what I thought!
Answering your question
don't you agree that you are apart of this laziness while you are using technology?

Well yes I am , but I am adicated on using the computer and being lazy after using it for years so there is no way on stopping that habit ! So I’m just dealing with it, but lately I have no time to use the computer a lot because of work and school and home works so Its stopping me from using the computer a lot!

And I liked how you decided on going on a walk with your parents rather than sitting on Facebook, this way you can talk to your parents more and get closer to them and this way they feel that your closer to them and I think it would make a better relationship than before (you sitting on Facebook and them on T.V).

I agree with you on “The world has a generic computer look. It makes us all look like lazy human beings” and its only because were all doing the same thing buying the same things, doing the same thing on the computer! Facebook or myspace or chatting talking about stupid stuff and wasting are time!

hw #11

when i always go in the train i always put my ipod on and for one time i trist to put it away to see whats going to be diffrent, so i did, and what happend that i felt like the time is not ending and the train is taking so long between the stops and i kept looking at the people and it was not uncombfortable so i put back on because i couldnt stand it!

and i did the same thing while i was walking to work, its 7 blocks away from my house, the same thing happend so i put my ipod back on! ipod make's time go faster i think because we be having somthing to take are attetnion than thinking of when im gonna get to the next stop in the train or next block!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

h.m #8


I like how your saying that “were becoming like robots” were actually robots to the computer in some how, because when you be on the computer if you want something you have to do something to get it, like if you want to sign in on aim you need to put your password and screen name so the computer is making you do something so your actually taking orders from the computer in some how, and it makes the person that uses the computer like a robots in my eyes! I don’t know how other people think of it, but that’s the way I think of it!

In your writing u said I felt like I had no emotions , am argue you with that1 you had emotions but you didn’t show them your just seeing your self inside the computer your focusing a lot in the computer and the videos your watching and the music your listening to and the conversation your having with your friend and you smiled in the beginning because you were looking at the camera and you have your attention to the camera so there is some emotions!
I connect what we were saying in the class about doing many stuff in the same time, to what your doing, your watching videos and recording your self and talking to your friend, so when you be watching the video you forget chatting with your friend and you put your attention on the video and when your friend sends you something you go back to the conversation and you forget about the video! And then you had to stop the recording after 2 minutes, so many stuff in one time taking your attention and making you focuses there and like not do anything else or show any other emotions!
you used the headphone and not any cell phones or TVs and Sarah used the phone and not headphones and I used everything together haha! You could have used more digital devices to make you show probably more emotions or so we can see you using many stuff!
Your video makes me consider if using the computer and not moving at all for hours and holding us from eating or eating and sitting on the computer! Makes us fatter or skinner, and if we stop using it for hours would we get better health?
I like your writing about the video and what you thing of yourself and how you look like sitting on the computer for hours but in 2 minutes video recording! And your writing popped out a thought in my head about the robot and how we are robots for computers!
I enjoyed reading your writing about the video, and I liked how there was someone holding the camera for you and you were talking to them and then you told them to stop because its started recording. Hahah, and then after a little of talking to that person that’s holding the camera for you I felt like you forgot all about them you forgot that there is someone in front of you and you were focusing on the fb or MySpace whatever your doing on the internet! And then texting and then back to the computer! It toke your attention to forget someone sitting in front of you.
While you’re sitting on the internet I guess on (fb or MySpace) you were surprised from something to the level that you were chewing gum and when you saw that thing on the internet your face gave the surprised expression and you stopped chewing the gum both in the same time!
I connect how she stopped chocking gum and had the expression face to what we were talking in the class (disbodiment/displacement) that’s the person lose his/her control on what there doing from there face expression to stop chewing the gum to probably moving there hands or screaming, and that’s what happened with you Sarah you stopped chewing gum and your face gave the surprised expression!
You could have showed us what were you doing on the internet(your on MySpace or fb or watching videos on YouTube) and like it would be good too if you had a headphones on to show that you be doing more than one thing in one time like texting and computer and listening to music, even though when you be focusing on the internet or texting you forge the music you don’t hear the music anymore for a second in some how!

The video makes me consider if I be giving expression faces a lot and I was wondering how like all are attention goes to the thing were doing on the (computer or phone …etc) and we forget what were doing or the place were sitting at or even the people were sitting with! And it makes us sometimes to hold are selves from using the bathroom or eating if were hungry! But if it was homework to do we would go use the bathroom and eat and do everything and keep the homework till the end!

I really liked your video because it made me feel like I’m not just doing a homework I actually felt like I am learning something through this!