Thursday, October 8, 2009

hw #10

"And it is not all video games, it is the one's that are rated "mature" that parents are getting for their kids. i think it is the parents fault in some way at least."

this line is the most line that toke my attention, because i think i agree with the writer point! if it wasnt the parents whos paying the money to get the little kid the (xbox, playstation3...etc) then thwy wont be adicated to it and they would be doing some other good stuff! and if the parents tell there kid if hes old enough to work and get the money to buy that video game! than when the kid have the money and see how hard he worked to get the money he would think of other better stuff to buy tha th video game i guess!

there saying how bad ipods is effecting on us from the high volume on the ear! and its true because its happening to me, i always have my ipod on the highest volume so it makes my hearing less and less! and there is another thing bad from the ipods which is keep buying the latest one and buying songs on itunes! we can buy the songs from any other website for free and save are money, and buy some other good and better stuff for us!

this line was intresting "As far as dating goes you really have to be carefully if you do this on the Internet it should be done with cautious, because you really don''t know who yor''re picking up on the Internet" and its happening alot these days, 14 and 16 going on dates, do they really know what being in a realtionship means? from just seiding eachother pictures and talking on ther computer for couple of days and lets says weeks,i dont think this should make someone go with someone els on a date!

i liked the idea there giving us to make the bad effects on the kids less than when it be in there rooms, but let me ask this questions, how maney house is doing that? i think it would be %20 or probably less!
"perhaps the computer should be in the front room for everyone in your household to use, instead of in your childs bedroom"

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