Tuesday, January 5, 2010

HW #32


I wouldn’t like to have a tattoo that would stay on my body for ever or I would have to take it off with the lazier, I wouldn’t mind having the tattoo that would go away after a week or 2, and that’s because I think tattoo that stays on, I would get bored of it, just like change it, and the one that goes away would be a good one because its going away and not staying.
In my religion you cant have a tattoo on your body even if your having a tattoo of a religion thing, and in the Arabic culture people do mind there son having a tattoo, so who gets one it be a big deal, I think because most of the Arabs are Muslim and because they cant have it in there religion they just deal with it and its in there head that, that’s it no tattoo for there kids.
But I don’t think there is any point from getting a tattoo for life, like what’s the thing you are going to draw or write on your body that’s worth drawing or writing? I don’t think there is anything worth it, but if you like tattoos , just get one that goes away after a week or two and you’ll be happy and it wont stay on your body and youll get a different thing after in the same place if you want 2.

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