Sunday, January 24, 2010


Everyone wants to be cool, by (wearing the latest cloths or trying to be popular or getting a lot of girls in bed… etc) I think there is no definition to the word cool, because each person have his own definition of what cool is, we try to be cool and we feel empty, The emptiness that many of us experience is a result of our over thinking and constant performing of cool

We care what people think and us trying to be cool makes us uncool!
Whenever we want to do anything, we think people are looking at us, we think of what people are going to say and think (of that something we going to do )before we even think if we feel comfortable doing it are self’s
We care of who are we going to be seen walking with, or talking to, like why? Why don’t we just stop caring?
I think the answer of why some people do care about what other people think of them is just because those people don’t give them self enough credit , they think there less then others , and they have to ask everyone of how they look and if its good and excepted or not! They don’t believe in them self that there good enough, those people when they be afraid of being not looking good and afraid of what they be doing , that makes them not free makes them act different and that makes them “uncool” to people. I think that’s when the feeling of emptiness comes, when this group of people that (care about what people think) say something and couple of people laugh, then they think that there dumb and they would think of it before they sleep of who was there when those people laughed and they keep thinking of it again and again, that’s the feeling of emptiness but why don’t we just stop caring? I still don’t know the answer for this question.
. “I wonder how they feel about themselves..." (Gwendolyn Brooks) I was surprised when she said that line I was expecting her to say something along the lines of, I wonder if they think they are cool for not going to school... I think the way she decided to put it however makes a whole lot more sense to finding the purpose of cool. Having high self-esteem is something we all want and I think that when someone has it his or her appearance and personality seems a whole lot stronger. However even the most confident person to us may seem like they know exactly what they are doing and are positive about themselves but may have a completely different idea of themselves then what appears to an onlooker. It seems as if most people for their whole lives try to find their purpose for being here, and so we observe all of the things around us. One of them being other people, we have this whole idea that by looking at other people we will find the answer. But in reality we all are so different so I don't think we are looking in the right places. I think the reason why so many people are alike is because we observe hundreds of people every day and we pick up on traits that appear to be making the person happy. Just as Gwendolyn Brooks was trying to say, what drives them to do the things they do... if they can do it can't I do it too?” Sarah Lewis H.W # 34

I think Feeling emptiness comes from the person thinking that he/she is not perfect as other or is not good as other so we feel that were less good and other are better than us so we feel lonely and that were nothing in life and that’s how feeling of emptiness comes. In my point of view I don’t think there is anyone better than other, were all equal.
Rich or poor people gets that feelings, the poor ones thinks that no point of living because they don’t have money and think that the rich people be living life and not having a bad day ever which is not right, you can be rich and not happy poor people sometimes be having a life better than rich people(less stuff to care about, don’t have much of enemies like how rich people do have most of the time) they be more calm and happy. But poor people don’t notice that of think of it

we love attention
we try to get other people attention because when everyone looks at me and laugh at my jokes then I am the coolest and sometimes the jokes be stupid but that guy who said the joke friends would laugh for him so he wont look stupid,
Some people do some weird stuff ,like dress in a weird way to get attention make fun of anyone so people can laugh and get attention to be cool. We don’t care about other people feelings, all I care about is people laughed on my joke now IM COOL
Don’t we all act in most of the stuff we do in are regular day the same way!
Well do the same way in certain stuff we act the same, we follow are culture map and the people living around us, if what there doing is okay then I can do it, if what there doing makes them cool to other people so then I should do it so I can look cool, that’s the way every one thinks, when someone don’t get the attention from the class ( no one laughs on his jokes or ignoring him) or when someone gets no attention from girls, then this person would get the feeling emptiness, because he thinks no one likes him and he’s not good like others since he got no attention.

Tattoos and cool
Some people think having a tattoo is cool and some think its not, I think it depends on how the person think and on there religion. In my religion I can’t have a tattoo even if the tattoo is going to say something religion “you have to keep in mind the fact that body piercing, tattooing, branding, etc. all fall in the category of unnecessary interference, alteration and mutilation of Allah's creation. Therefore, no Muslim, who is conscious of his religion, should ever contemplate such activities.”(, and either my culture let me get a tattoo; they would look at me like I’m doing something wrong! Because that’s how they thing and I’m not following the culture map! Are culture map is to do what are parents think is right (not talk to girls, not have tattoo’s, pray, work, finish college and work, and after you have the enough money you get married and have your own family) I believe all of it is right, but not everything! But that’s only to my religion, in other religions and cultures its okay to have tattoo’s, I think it’s all based on how we were raised to see stuff! When some people cannot get tattoo either because there Muslim or because there family don’t let them, and they see there friends having tattoo’s and they think its cool and they think there friend getting girls just because there having tattoos, then those people get the feeling emptiness and there not cool like there friends!

Cite sources
Sarah Lewis H.W assignment
Gwendolyn Brooks

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