Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Part 3:
Sorry I wasn't there for the guest talk so I don't know the point they were trying to get to and comment on it.

While I'm interviewing my mom she told me about how she was raised and how that way helped her to raise me, she told me that when she was a little girl she had a lot of responisbilities because she was the only girl in the house, like cleaning the house taking care of her little brother cooking...etc and that she was able with all of those stuff to do good in school.

She told me that she thinks every child needs to get 2 years of breatfeeding and away from the market milk because its not healthy for the babe.

My mom taised me and my brothers the right way she used to be alittle hard on us when we do somthing wrong but first she would explain why its wrong and after that shell tell us the punishment. I guess the punishment idea is good because it makes us learn are lesson.
Part 4:
In this unite I learned a lot about parenting and I got some ideas of what I should do with my child in the future, like talk to them when they do somthing wrong about why what they did is wrong and make them promise me to not do it again, I think doing this makes the child love and trust the parents more. And I would give them a punishment if they break the promise.

Another thing I learned is to make my future wife breatfeed the childs for the full first 2 years because it helps the babe on growing. I don't think its hard to parent a kid, its just pass those ways on how to deal with the diffrent situations the kid is going to face in his lifein a good way, its not hard but its a little scary, scary because if we failed parenting the kids, then there going to be bad ones and that's what I'm not going to see.Yeah that's what everyone is saying, but make sure, I'm giving him mine tomorrow cuz I ain't going on Thursday!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

H.W #57 57

Kids should be parented in a way not to hurt them AT ALL because those are kids there not animals to hit and hurt them. Tloving each other and doing the right thing is the main thing to raise kids at, if everyone raise there kids on love and doing the right thing, not stealing and not hurting other people the world would be in a better place, but if you wanna raise ur kids on somthing by just telling them to do it and you be doing the oppoiste then ur kids won't ever do what you told them 2, like an example, you told your kids to not lie at all, and a friend calls you and asks you where you at and you be home and lie to your friend and be like ohh I'm at the marekt with the family,(infront ofyour kids) the kids would think its alright to lie after they saw there father doing it and they would start to lie.

Parents are the perfect people always for kids, twhat ever the parents do is the right way in the little kids eye, so if the parents be good then the little kids would grow up good like them.

When you have a baby you take care of his health as much as you can, and breast feeding is the best for the babies, the mother have to breatfeed her baby for 2 years(it says that in the quran also) but some mothers just don't like to breastfeed there babies and they give them bottles after like a month or two which is unhealthy.
Kids should be treated as of there kids not adults or puppies, treat them the right way and be fair with all of your kids, not like one more then the other.

My response to (what attachment parenting and ferber message) is:
All of what its saying is amazing, there is 2 lines that got stuck in my head the first one is "brest milk contain unique brain building natrulents that cannot be manufactured or bought" every mom should know that so they can brestfeed there babies and not just give them some marekt milk. Another thing that I liked is babies cry as if its a signal so we see what they want because they cannot talk, not because there is somthing hurting them.
I liked the steps ferber way has on how to teach the babe to sleep in the night, I think every mother should learn how to do it and do it, because the father needs to see the mother at night, she cannot just stay with the babe, or then the father wouldn't like bringing anymore babies. Those links are so good and have a lot of good information I enjoyed reading them.

H.W #56

Q1: what do you think of facebook friends?
Q2:how many friends on facebook would you like to have and why?
Q3:what is the limits in telling your "bestfriend" your secrets?
Q4: do you trust in telling stuff to your bestfriends or even regulre friends on facebook?

First person: what do you think of facebook friends?
He said: I think most of the there just people u accept to be your friends and you barely know them so there not true friends in my P.O.v

Q2:how many friends on facebook would you like to have and why?
He said: I would like to have people that I really know and that I would connect with and talk too through facebook, not just have them as my friends just so the number of my friends can increase and so people can see that.

What is your limits in telling your bestfriends your secrets?
He said: secrets are not to. Tell everyone 2, if a ecrets goes between more than two people then that's not a secret anymore, but anyways I wouldn't like to tell my friends or bestfriends my family privet stuff because I dont like to connect between those 2 worlds (friends and family) and I also don't like to tell family my friends secrets or privet stuff.

Q4: do you trust in telling stuff to your bestfriends or even regulare friends friends on facebook?
I don't trust on saying my privet or secrets on facebook and because everyone can see it and I won't like everyone knowing my privet stuff, and plus if I wanna tell my friend somthing by sending a message they probably gave there passwords to there "bestfriends" or girlfriends/boyfriends, so how can I know its them on the account, so its not safe.

Person number -2- interview
Q1: What do you think of facebook friends?
She said: facebook friends are people we know and some of them we talk too more than are family members.

Q2: how many friends on facebook would you like to have and why?
She said: I would like to have a lot of friends on facebook, because having a lot of friends means you know a lot of people and you get to know a lot of stuff about more people, and plus when people see my page and see that I have a lot of friends, they would get a better thoughts of me.

Q3:what is the limits in telling you "bestfriends" your secrets?
She said: when you wanna tell someone a secret you should trust that someone. %100, but the limits in tleling my bestfriends my secrets is I don't tell them my family privet stuff because that's not cool.

Q4:do you trust in telling your bestfriends or even your regulre friends stuff on facebook?
She said: no I don't trust to say any deep secrets or any stuff that I don't like everyone to know on facebook, if I wanna tell my friends or bestfriend somthing ill just call them.

Third person:
Q1:what do you think of facebook friends?
She said: facebook friends are people we know and like to talk too and well like them to see are pictures and are own pages

Q2:how many friends on facebook would you like to have and why?
I would like to have a lot of friends so everyone can know. That I have a lot of friends and I'm a friendly person and this way people would think I am a cooler person.

Q3: what is the limits in telling your "bestfriends" your. Secrets?
She said: I trust my bestfriends a lot and that's why I call them bestfriends but I only tell my secrets to the one who tell me there secrets, and I don't tell my friends if I got ditched by someone. Ill keep those embaressing secrets to my self :)

Q4: do you trust on telling your bestfriends or just regulre friends stuff on facebook?
She said: I don't, facebook is not to tell people ur stuff, you tell them what you want to know, but if you wanna talk to your friend about somthing then everyone is going to see the conversation and I don't like that so I don't do it.

Now in the interviews I noticed that everyone don't trust facebook like if they wanna tell there friends stuff they don't tell them on facebook because they don't think its safe because everyone is going to see it, and I also noticed that the people I interviewed do trust there friends but they don't tell them about there family stuff.

Survey questione: why do you use facebook if you don't think its safe to talk to your friends and have conversation with?

Friday, May 14, 2010

H.W #55

What is the different between best friends and regular friends? And why do we care about having a lot of friends on Face Book?

I think the way people become “best friends” is first they be normal friends by meeting somehow and talking for a little and then they start talking more and then they stay together more and I guess that’s how they become best friends. I believe every person has old friends, and those friends are used to be your friends and still your friends but you just don’t talk to them. Why do we tell are close or best friends everything basically but not are regular friends? I guess its because when we tell them are “secrets” they wont tell those “secrets” to anyone and that’s what so special about them.

There is a lot of differences between friends and best friends, first your best friends you talk to every day and tell them everything, any “regular friend” you just say hi or sometimes days passes and you don’t even talk to them.

The reason of why we care about having a lot of people on are Face Book or Myspace is to show off, so when are family or someone we know click on are profile sees that we have a lot of friends so I can make them think I am more important than what they think, even though half of the friends we have on are pages are people we have no clue who they are.

Can stranger be depended upon in life or death situations? Are we closer to the strangers around us more than we realize?

Hey Sarah
I think you need to write what you think the answer is for those questions, but what I can help you with is, you can talk about how the people in the street would help you if you were in good cloths and looks like you do have money, but if you were a homeless they wont even look at you, like that guy in queens that got stabbed and bleed to death and no one even stopped to help him. If he had a suit on , an ambulance would be there in 5 minutes and everyone would have stopped to help him.
I think you do have 2 strong questions, just write more.

Question: How do we place family vs.friends in our lives what makes one more important then another?

Hey abe,
I think you also need to write what you think of answers to you questions, but I can suggest something that you can mention.
I think we see are friends more than are family and are friends are on the same age as us and they can understand what were talking about more then anyone else, so I think friends can be closer in this place, but we always care about family just because there family, and maybe if were close t them also.
I think you do have two good questions, just write what you think an answers to them, I hope I helped.

PART3: http://www.fwbusinesspress.com/display.php?id=12345

basically all of those sources are talking about the diffrence between real friends and facebook friends and that's what i'm really trying to address through my two questions,and its saying that most of facebook friends are just numbers to look at and that 2 or 3 people to talk with everyday and have a real conversation is better than 700 facebook "friends".

Monday, May 10, 2010

H.W #54

my result was EFNJ, (extravert intuitive, feeler, judger)
"people f this type tend to be friendly, outgoing and enthusiastic; affectionate articulate and tactful; highly empathetic but easily hurt; creative and original; decisive and passionately opinionated, productive, organized and responsible."
great careers for this person therpist
college professor
writer/ journalist
social worker....And a lot to go

i think this result is true and its talking a lot about me but not in everything i guess not everything because i didn't answer one of the questions right, one of the things that i really don't think is good for me, the part with the careers, i don't think i am a good writer to be a writer but i wouldn't mind social workers because i like to help people and talk to them a lot.
if was asked to describe my self i would have said, i am not that organized but i am responsible, i think of others need and feel more than i think of what I do need and feel, and i think i should change that and make it more equally, think of others needs and yours in the same time. my result says that i am a judger, my result said that i am "extravert" which is i am a people person and i think i really am, i believe in the arabic saying "no one would like to go to heaven if it was emptied from people" i like to deal with people and i think thats a good thing and i would enjoy it in my future career life, there is bad people that be mean and not nice but who cares about them you can just ignore them.
i really enjoyed ding this survey, it was fun and interesting to read about my self.

h.w #53

When I started reading the questions that on the survey I felt like they were deep questions that you need to answer with being fully honest and not just answer them because you think you have to answer this way like an example, “you’ve been drunk?” when guys ask each other at school that questions, most of the time the answer automatically be yes even though they have never been drunk.

The percentage of the people that said they have been drunk was %36 and the percentage of the people that answered yes on “ does your family really know who you are?” was%31, you can tell that someone lied while there answering the survey because if your family really know who you are (%31) they wouldn’t have let you get drunk And I was also surprised when I saw that there is a %6 of students said that there s a violence issues in there house.
What toke my attention also is the suicide question were 2 or 3 people said that they think of suicide, and when I read people feelings and thought about the survey, not that much of people mentioned it including me, I connect this to what we said in class where we only look at big numbers and ignore small ones even thought those small numbers still counts and those people feelings matter.

I think comparing stuff is a good way to make us see us stuff closer and deeper and it makes it more interesting to read.

The thing that I noticed about the teen survey was that most of the adults would agree that most teens only think about sex and how well they are in it. I agree with them also, and I think if we want to do a survey like how we did in school, most of students would answer the way they think they should answer not the truth. So it would come up not fully %100 right.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

H.W #53 PART-B

When I started reading the questions that on the survey I felt like they were deep questions that you need to answer with being fully honest and not just answer them because you think you have to answer this way like an example, “you’ve been drunk?” when guys ask each other at school that questions, most of the time the answer automatically be yes even though they have never been drunk.
The percentage of the people that said they have been drunk was %36 and the percentage of the people that answered yes on “ does your family really know who you are?” was%31, you can tell that someone lied while there answering the survey because if your family really know who you are (%31) they wouldn’t have let you get drunk And I was also surprised when I saw that there is a %6 of students said that there s a violence issues in there house.

Monday, May 3, 2010

H.W #52

Everyone in life is trying to be excepted by others and in socity, now why do we care if we get excepted by other? I think its because we were rasied on seeing are parents and everyone in front of us caring of what others think and being excepted by others and mostly because if a lot of people say someone is bad or good then its what they decide because if it was one person that said someone is bad then we won't believe it, but when a punch of people do then I think everyone do believe it.

Having a friend means to feel comfortable being with and telling your stories to, In life there is 2 type of friends, the first one is the real friends we see and hang out with and talk to a lot, and the second one is the people we call "friends" but we barely talk to you or hang out with and there like FaceBook friends. And we like to have a lot of friends on FaceBook, even though we don't know half of them, but we like it when others see that we have a big number of "friends".

The way we should treat people: it should be the same way they treat us, so if someone nice to me, I should be nice back, if they be mean were obviously going to be mean back, and i also think that we should treat people the way we like to be treated, treating people is like a mirror to the way u treat them.

Everyone love there family, and I do too, why is it like we have to love are family? I think its because they are the one that toke care of us when we were little babes and there the one who helped us to be what we are right now.