Friday, May 14, 2010

H.W #55

What is the different between best friends and regular friends? And why do we care about having a lot of friends on Face Book?

I think the way people become “best friends” is first they be normal friends by meeting somehow and talking for a little and then they start talking more and then they stay together more and I guess that’s how they become best friends. I believe every person has old friends, and those friends are used to be your friends and still your friends but you just don’t talk to them. Why do we tell are close or best friends everything basically but not are regular friends? I guess its because when we tell them are “secrets” they wont tell those “secrets” to anyone and that’s what so special about them.

There is a lot of differences between friends and best friends, first your best friends you talk to every day and tell them everything, any “regular friend” you just say hi or sometimes days passes and you don’t even talk to them.

The reason of why we care about having a lot of people on are Face Book or Myspace is to show off, so when are family or someone we know click on are profile sees that we have a lot of friends so I can make them think I am more important than what they think, even though half of the friends we have on are pages are people we have no clue who they are.

Can stranger be depended upon in life or death situations? Are we closer to the strangers around us more than we realize?

Hey Sarah
I think you need to write what you think the answer is for those questions, but what I can help you with is, you can talk about how the people in the street would help you if you were in good cloths and looks like you do have money, but if you were a homeless they wont even look at you, like that guy in queens that got stabbed and bleed to death and no one even stopped to help him. If he had a suit on , an ambulance would be there in 5 minutes and everyone would have stopped to help him.
I think you do have 2 strong questions, just write more.

Question: How do we place family vs.friends in our lives what makes one more important then another?

Hey abe,
I think you also need to write what you think of answers to you questions, but I can suggest something that you can mention.
I think we see are friends more than are family and are friends are on the same age as us and they can understand what were talking about more then anyone else, so I think friends can be closer in this place, but we always care about family just because there family, and maybe if were close t them also.
I think you do have two good questions, just write what you think an answers to them, I hope I helped.


basically all of those sources are talking about the diffrence between real friends and facebook friends and that's what i'm really trying to address through my two questions,and its saying that most of facebook friends are just numbers to look at and that 2 or 3 people to talk with everyday and have a real conversation is better than 700 facebook "friends".


  1. Mohammed: I really like your topic. I just don't know how much it can be answered directly. I think you should try to revise the second part and just answer that one. Maybe a idea for a new question could be: How many more suicides have happened since the world of Facebook, myspace and Twitter was created? How does this compare to 10 or 15 years ago? I was reading an article about a girl who committed suicide because of the website formspring...It might be interesting to see how the pressure of these websites is affecting the stability of especially teenagers.

  2. hey mohammed i like your topic. i am also trying to look at friends. i think you so focus your question more. pick a specific part and go with it. I think that you should do with the facebooks aspect since you mention it. How close are people that meet on facebook? can you make a best friend in facebook without ever meeting them? those are come questions i thought about after i read your question. I hope that helps you bounce ideas and make your question better.
