Monday, May 3, 2010

H.W #52

Everyone in life is trying to be excepted by others and in socity, now why do we care if we get excepted by other? I think its because we were rasied on seeing are parents and everyone in front of us caring of what others think and being excepted by others and mostly because if a lot of people say someone is bad or good then its what they decide because if it was one person that said someone is bad then we won't believe it, but when a punch of people do then I think everyone do believe it.

Having a friend means to feel comfortable being with and telling your stories to, In life there is 2 type of friends, the first one is the real friends we see and hang out with and talk to a lot, and the second one is the people we call "friends" but we barely talk to you or hang out with and there like FaceBook friends. And we like to have a lot of friends on FaceBook, even though we don't know half of them, but we like it when others see that we have a big number of "friends".

The way we should treat people: it should be the same way they treat us, so if someone nice to me, I should be nice back, if they be mean were obviously going to be mean back, and i also think that we should treat people the way we like to be treated, treating people is like a mirror to the way u treat them.

Everyone love there family, and I do too, why is it like we have to love are family? I think its because they are the one that toke care of us when we were little babes and there the one who helped us to be what we are right now.

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