Wednesday, May 19, 2010

H.W #56

Q1: what do you think of facebook friends?
Q2:how many friends on facebook would you like to have and why?
Q3:what is the limits in telling your "bestfriend" your secrets?
Q4: do you trust in telling stuff to your bestfriends or even regulre friends on facebook?

First person: what do you think of facebook friends?
He said: I think most of the there just people u accept to be your friends and you barely know them so there not true friends in my P.O.v

Q2:how many friends on facebook would you like to have and why?
He said: I would like to have people that I really know and that I would connect with and talk too through facebook, not just have them as my friends just so the number of my friends can increase and so people can see that.

What is your limits in telling your bestfriends your secrets?
He said: secrets are not to. Tell everyone 2, if a ecrets goes between more than two people then that's not a secret anymore, but anyways I wouldn't like to tell my friends or bestfriends my family privet stuff because I dont like to connect between those 2 worlds (friends and family) and I also don't like to tell family my friends secrets or privet stuff.

Q4: do you trust in telling stuff to your bestfriends or even regulare friends friends on facebook?
I don't trust on saying my privet or secrets on facebook and because everyone can see it and I won't like everyone knowing my privet stuff, and plus if I wanna tell my friend somthing by sending a message they probably gave there passwords to there "bestfriends" or girlfriends/boyfriends, so how can I know its them on the account, so its not safe.

Person number -2- interview
Q1: What do you think of facebook friends?
She said: facebook friends are people we know and some of them we talk too more than are family members.

Q2: how many friends on facebook would you like to have and why?
She said: I would like to have a lot of friends on facebook, because having a lot of friends means you know a lot of people and you get to know a lot of stuff about more people, and plus when people see my page and see that I have a lot of friends, they would get a better thoughts of me.

Q3:what is the limits in telling you "bestfriends" your secrets?
She said: when you wanna tell someone a secret you should trust that someone. %100, but the limits in tleling my bestfriends my secrets is I don't tell them my family privet stuff because that's not cool.

Q4:do you trust in telling your bestfriends or even your regulre friends stuff on facebook?
She said: no I don't trust to say any deep secrets or any stuff that I don't like everyone to know on facebook, if I wanna tell my friends or bestfriend somthing ill just call them.

Third person:
Q1:what do you think of facebook friends?
She said: facebook friends are people we know and like to talk too and well like them to see are pictures and are own pages

Q2:how many friends on facebook would you like to have and why?
I would like to have a lot of friends so everyone can know. That I have a lot of friends and I'm a friendly person and this way people would think I am a cooler person.

Q3: what is the limits in telling your "bestfriends" your. Secrets?
She said: I trust my bestfriends a lot and that's why I call them bestfriends but I only tell my secrets to the one who tell me there secrets, and I don't tell my friends if I got ditched by someone. Ill keep those embaressing secrets to my self :)

Q4: do you trust on telling your bestfriends or just regulre friends stuff on facebook?
She said: I don't, facebook is not to tell people ur stuff, you tell them what you want to know, but if you wanna talk to your friend about somthing then everyone is going to see the conversation and I don't like that so I don't do it.

Now in the interviews I noticed that everyone don't trust facebook like if they wanna tell there friends stuff they don't tell them on facebook because they don't think its safe because everyone is going to see it, and I also noticed that the people I interviewed do trust there friends but they don't tell them about there family stuff.

Survey questione: why do you use facebook if you don't think its safe to talk to your friends and have conversation with?

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