Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Part 3:
Sorry I wasn't there for the guest talk so I don't know the point they were trying to get to and comment on it.

While I'm interviewing my mom she told me about how she was raised and how that way helped her to raise me, she told me that when she was a little girl she had a lot of responisbilities because she was the only girl in the house, like cleaning the house taking care of her little brother cooking...etc and that she was able with all of those stuff to do good in school.

She told me that she thinks every child needs to get 2 years of breatfeeding and away from the market milk because its not healthy for the babe.

My mom taised me and my brothers the right way she used to be alittle hard on us when we do somthing wrong but first she would explain why its wrong and after that shell tell us the punishment. I guess the punishment idea is good because it makes us learn are lesson.
Part 4:
In this unite I learned a lot about parenting and I got some ideas of what I should do with my child in the future, like talk to them when they do somthing wrong about why what they did is wrong and make them promise me to not do it again, I think doing this makes the child love and trust the parents more. And I would give them a punishment if they break the promise.

Another thing I learned is to make my future wife breatfeed the childs for the full first 2 years because it helps the babe on growing. I don't think its hard to parent a kid, its just pass those ways on how to deal with the diffrent situations the kid is going to face in his lifein a good way, its not hard but its a little scary, scary because if we failed parenting the kids, then there going to be bad ones and that's what I'm not going to see.Yeah that's what everyone is saying, but make sure, I'm giving him mine tomorrow cuz I ain't going on Thursday!

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