Sunday, November 8, 2009

my paper!

Eq: How is digital technology affecting bad on our society?

‘digital representation is making us lazier and unhealthy and it reduce us to stupid chines ordering slope

technology made the kids and teen stop doing there homework
and some of the adults stay up all night on the video game wasting time trying to finish some video games levels and go to work late! Which it gets all of who’s using it dumber that’s what I think, because there
always doing the same think and thinking of the same thing. Which it makes there minds close (only open for video games to think) like if someone keeps doing math it helps him to get better in math, but we use math a lot in our life, what do we get from video games that we use in our lives or makes us think better? And most of the video games that be played are killing games and shooting ones , so how is that going to help them think better and be smarter? Shoot and kill people and most of whos playing it are kids!

the people I use to live with in the middle east didn’t have that much of
electronic devices from (i-pods, TVs’, cell phones…etc) like the 20 years and up would have cell phones but they would only use it for emergencies not to text and waste time or call girls and talk to them for hours probably talking about the same thing again and again, any American person that’s living with all of these device’s would say how are these people in the middle east are living with out any of (i-pod, laptops, new cellphone…etc)?

I think there living a better life then us, simple and easy no headache and stress that we get from these digital devices or waste of time! And there way smarter kids in school, always doing there home works and studying for exam’s they don’t have face book to distract them or cell phones to text! There living a basic normal life not caring of what this guy or girl wrote on my wall, or should I go out with this guy or girl and all of this things we keep thinking of from using technology, like (Face book and My space…etc)

And an example of that is me, I used to live in Palestine and then I moved to America, there I had no i-pod , I had a cell phone but
I never texted on it, I just used it for emergencies(none of electronics devices to distract me from doing my work) I used to do my work in less time than what it takes me right now, Now when I try to do my homework I be like let me check face book and do work in the same time, then it takes me an hour doing that simple home work which it actually take 10 minutes if I focused on it, and it would take like an hour and I wouldn’t give me whole attention to it and it wont be good as what I use to do before!

people there have less stuff to make there life easier like people over here, and there doing better than us! They work hard to go in college! We here have financial aid for who ever doesn’t have the money to pay for college and scholars ships and all of these things that’s helps getting in college, and most of the kids have trouble going in colleges from not graduating and from the low gpa! Like if the people in the Middle East had what people over here have from chances to get in colleges and study you would see %90 of them in colleges.

I am not saying there isn’t any smart people over here at all. There is , but I
don’t think they be addicted to digital devices they probably have (Cell phones and laptops…etc) but they wont use them in a way that hurt them(waste there time)! Like they don’t fall into those stuff a lot, there paying more attention to school and actual things that’s going to get them somewhere in life, these are the people we can call smart!

From using digital devices a lot were not paying attention to what’s happening in the World, like this ozone problem that’s happening, and its happening because of us, by (burning are garbage and using a lot of cars…etc) all of these things dirty the air and causing the ozone problem!

This ozone problem is causing a lot of bad things, one of those things, the number of The people getting skin cancer is going up, and all of what were doing is just playing video games, who cares About “68,720 person that gets a skin cancer a year”wekipedia its not us who’s getting it, We can help to stop the number in going down, but we don’t know how we going to do That, we can search it but why would we? In the 10 minutes that would take us searching How we can stop that problem we can play video games or text someone! Isn’t that Ignorant, who knows probably next year it be one of are family who’s having that Problem or r self!

Why couldn’t we stop all of those stuff and pay more attention to the world and What’s happening, more than what levels were at in this video game or what’s happening on that t-v show!

Technologies made are life easier but it tokes from us more than what it gave us, from being smart and healthy to being unhealthy and less smart and the worst part that were paying for these devices a lot of money like an example($230 just for an i-pod touch) we can buy food for the whole week and for the whole family with this $230 isn’t that crazy? Aren’t we paying money for something that hurting us! . I’m not saying technology is not good at all, I know it made some of things way easier than before but in the same time it hurts us if we use it wrong, a good example of it is a knife and the knife depends on how you use it, you can use it to help you cut something, and it can hurt you if you use it wrong! Technology if you use it to waste your time and spend your money on unneeded stuff and get us unhealthy this way it hurts like the knife, and if we use it to search stuff and only call people for emergencies and good stuff this way it would help us!

technology makes the people who use digital devices a lot, get a bad health! From sitting down not moving and eating and looking at the screen not moving, but why were still doing it while we know its bad for us and its bad and how we got addicted to it?

Anyone in this world wish to have the best body and no one wish to be fat,
and the only way to get the best body is to work out or play sport so if we use a lot of digital devices we would never get that best body and be happy we would be fat and be sad!

(to connect it again to the middle east) in the Middle East I don’t see that much of fat and unhealthy

People most of them go play sport on the weekend not Sit home in front of screens and get fatter and fatter, eating fast food the food we
order on the phone because (were 2 lazy to make food in are kitchen from are clean hands and clean kitchen tools)And sitting in front of screen (TV or computer or PSP…etc) for hours not moving just opening are eyes makes the person gets fat no matter what!

What do we get from the digital devices (TVs or computers…etc) ok let’s say we use them to talk to people or search stuff, but what ells? Making some dreams and were just talking and talking about those dreams and were not doing anything to make those dreams to come true, because we don’t have time to do anything ells from using the digital devices(like to work and get money to go somewhere for vecation as a dream) ! So we just get those huge dreams that probably are never going to come true(like a guy talking to a girl on the internet that he never meet and he start liking her some how and then he start dreaming of being with her..etc), I connect that huge unhappening dreams to the movie wall e the robot collect the garbage and do it as a square and put all of those squares on top of each other till he made buildings, I think those building (that made of garbage) are like the unhappening dreams!

How we got so addicted to it and why we never stopped doing it even though we know its not good for us?

The way a person gets addicted to digital devices, goes like this “the person having nothing to do all bored sitting home after school or work, so he try to find anything to makes him get out from the bored mood he’s in, so the only thing he goes 2 is a digital device to use like(computer TVS, video games..etc), then the second time he be bored, he do the same thing, and then he have things online that makes him wants to go back and check it like ”Face book, email…etc” or there is shows makes him go back to the TV to see what’s going to happen next, or wanting to finish the level of the video game your playing, little by little the person knows more and more about what’s there on the computer or t.v shows and then he be trying everything, and then HERE WERE ADDICTED, now we know that there is bad affects from it, we have to stop it or use it less than how much we do, we try and we fail because we got used to the laziness and sitting down and not moving.

it brings sickness to who use it a lot!
Yes it does bring sickness when we use it a lot, how?
When you get fatter from sitting down watching TVs and eating u get fater and fater, the sickness like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems. These are sickness from being fat.

A study says that fast food like (McDonalds food, burger kind…etc) makes heartaches that’s beside the cholesterol and the a lot of the sugar in the meal that makes sickness, we eat that because technology makes us lazier and have no time to make are own food!

Another thing that affect bad on us from digital devices are vision is getting bad from the laser that the screen gives any screen (small lentando screen, T.V screen, or it can be computer screen) and then we need glass’s or contact lenses which it means paying more money, first we paid for the digital device and now were paying to fix the bad thing we got from the device we bought, its paying money and money , while we can save all of that money and just go play sport and be active and healthy and not wear glass’s or have any sickness because were fat, all of that by just using less digital devices, we understand that many people can not live with out digital devices, or they cant imagine there life with out digital devices(that’s who’s addicted to it), but were not saying stop (text or watch TV or face book…etc) were just saying use it less than what you do and then by using it less you going to care less and then you probably going to stop it all.

For who’s not addicted to digital devices, I tell them to first look at the device and think how its going to help them and how its going to make them worse, and just take the good things and leave the bad stuff! This way well has a better world and better thinkers!

Overall, digital devices are affecting bad on our society and us, its bringing
sickness to us and making us not to do are actual work and waste are time on
stupid stuff!

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