Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Part 3:
Sorry I wasn't there for the guest talk so I don't know the point they were trying to get to and comment on it.

While I'm interviewing my mom she told me about how she was raised and how that way helped her to raise me, she told me that when she was a little girl she had a lot of responisbilities because she was the only girl in the house, like cleaning the house taking care of her little brother cooking...etc and that she was able with all of those stuff to do good in school.

She told me that she thinks every child needs to get 2 years of breatfeeding and away from the market milk because its not healthy for the babe.

My mom taised me and my brothers the right way she used to be alittle hard on us when we do somthing wrong but first she would explain why its wrong and after that shell tell us the punishment. I guess the punishment idea is good because it makes us learn are lesson.
Part 4:
In this unite I learned a lot about parenting and I got some ideas of what I should do with my child in the future, like talk to them when they do somthing wrong about why what they did is wrong and make them promise me to not do it again, I think doing this makes the child love and trust the parents more. And I would give them a punishment if they break the promise.

Another thing I learned is to make my future wife breatfeed the childs for the full first 2 years because it helps the babe on growing. I don't think its hard to parent a kid, its just pass those ways on how to deal with the diffrent situations the kid is going to face in his lifein a good way, its not hard but its a little scary, scary because if we failed parenting the kids, then there going to be bad ones and that's what I'm not going to see.Yeah that's what everyone is saying, but make sure, I'm giving him mine tomorrow cuz I ain't going on Thursday!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

H.W #57 57

Kids should be parented in a way not to hurt them AT ALL because those are kids there not animals to hit and hurt them. Tloving each other and doing the right thing is the main thing to raise kids at, if everyone raise there kids on love and doing the right thing, not stealing and not hurting other people the world would be in a better place, but if you wanna raise ur kids on somthing by just telling them to do it and you be doing the oppoiste then ur kids won't ever do what you told them 2, like an example, you told your kids to not lie at all, and a friend calls you and asks you where you at and you be home and lie to your friend and be like ohh I'm at the marekt with the family,(infront ofyour kids) the kids would think its alright to lie after they saw there father doing it and they would start to lie.

Parents are the perfect people always for kids, twhat ever the parents do is the right way in the little kids eye, so if the parents be good then the little kids would grow up good like them.

When you have a baby you take care of his health as much as you can, and breast feeding is the best for the babies, the mother have to breatfeed her baby for 2 years(it says that in the quran also) but some mothers just don't like to breastfeed there babies and they give them bottles after like a month or two which is unhealthy.
Kids should be treated as of there kids not adults or puppies, treat them the right way and be fair with all of your kids, not like one more then the other.

My response to (what attachment parenting and ferber message) is:
All of what its saying is amazing, there is 2 lines that got stuck in my head the first one is "brest milk contain unique brain building natrulents that cannot be manufactured or bought" every mom should know that so they can brestfeed there babies and not just give them some marekt milk. Another thing that I liked is babies cry as if its a signal so we see what they want because they cannot talk, not because there is somthing hurting them.
I liked the steps ferber way has on how to teach the babe to sleep in the night, I think every mother should learn how to do it and do it, because the father needs to see the mother at night, she cannot just stay with the babe, or then the father wouldn't like bringing anymore babies. Those links are so good and have a lot of good information I enjoyed reading them.

H.W #56

Q1: what do you think of facebook friends?
Q2:how many friends on facebook would you like to have and why?
Q3:what is the limits in telling your "bestfriend" your secrets?
Q4: do you trust in telling stuff to your bestfriends or even regulre friends on facebook?

First person: what do you think of facebook friends?
He said: I think most of the there just people u accept to be your friends and you barely know them so there not true friends in my P.O.v

Q2:how many friends on facebook would you like to have and why?
He said: I would like to have people that I really know and that I would connect with and talk too through facebook, not just have them as my friends just so the number of my friends can increase and so people can see that.

What is your limits in telling your bestfriends your secrets?
He said: secrets are not to. Tell everyone 2, if a ecrets goes between more than two people then that's not a secret anymore, but anyways I wouldn't like to tell my friends or bestfriends my family privet stuff because I dont like to connect between those 2 worlds (friends and family) and I also don't like to tell family my friends secrets or privet stuff.

Q4: do you trust in telling stuff to your bestfriends or even regulare friends friends on facebook?
I don't trust on saying my privet or secrets on facebook and because everyone can see it and I won't like everyone knowing my privet stuff, and plus if I wanna tell my friend somthing by sending a message they probably gave there passwords to there "bestfriends" or girlfriends/boyfriends, so how can I know its them on the account, so its not safe.

Person number -2- interview
Q1: What do you think of facebook friends?
She said: facebook friends are people we know and some of them we talk too more than are family members.

Q2: how many friends on facebook would you like to have and why?
She said: I would like to have a lot of friends on facebook, because having a lot of friends means you know a lot of people and you get to know a lot of stuff about more people, and plus when people see my page and see that I have a lot of friends, they would get a better thoughts of me.

Q3:what is the limits in telling you "bestfriends" your secrets?
She said: when you wanna tell someone a secret you should trust that someone. %100, but the limits in tleling my bestfriends my secrets is I don't tell them my family privet stuff because that's not cool.

Q4:do you trust in telling your bestfriends or even your regulre friends stuff on facebook?
She said: no I don't trust to say any deep secrets or any stuff that I don't like everyone to know on facebook, if I wanna tell my friends or bestfriend somthing ill just call them.

Third person:
Q1:what do you think of facebook friends?
She said: facebook friends are people we know and like to talk too and well like them to see are pictures and are own pages

Q2:how many friends on facebook would you like to have and why?
I would like to have a lot of friends so everyone can know. That I have a lot of friends and I'm a friendly person and this way people would think I am a cooler person.

Q3: what is the limits in telling your "bestfriends" your. Secrets?
She said: I trust my bestfriends a lot and that's why I call them bestfriends but I only tell my secrets to the one who tell me there secrets, and I don't tell my friends if I got ditched by someone. Ill keep those embaressing secrets to my self :)

Q4: do you trust on telling your bestfriends or just regulre friends stuff on facebook?
She said: I don't, facebook is not to tell people ur stuff, you tell them what you want to know, but if you wanna talk to your friend about somthing then everyone is going to see the conversation and I don't like that so I don't do it.

Now in the interviews I noticed that everyone don't trust facebook like if they wanna tell there friends stuff they don't tell them on facebook because they don't think its safe because everyone is going to see it, and I also noticed that the people I interviewed do trust there friends but they don't tell them about there family stuff.

Survey questione: why do you use facebook if you don't think its safe to talk to your friends and have conversation with?

Friday, May 14, 2010

H.W #55

What is the different between best friends and regular friends? And why do we care about having a lot of friends on Face Book?

I think the way people become “best friends” is first they be normal friends by meeting somehow and talking for a little and then they start talking more and then they stay together more and I guess that’s how they become best friends. I believe every person has old friends, and those friends are used to be your friends and still your friends but you just don’t talk to them. Why do we tell are close or best friends everything basically but not are regular friends? I guess its because when we tell them are “secrets” they wont tell those “secrets” to anyone and that’s what so special about them.

There is a lot of differences between friends and best friends, first your best friends you talk to every day and tell them everything, any “regular friend” you just say hi or sometimes days passes and you don’t even talk to them.

The reason of why we care about having a lot of people on are Face Book or Myspace is to show off, so when are family or someone we know click on are profile sees that we have a lot of friends so I can make them think I am more important than what they think, even though half of the friends we have on are pages are people we have no clue who they are.

Can stranger be depended upon in life or death situations? Are we closer to the strangers around us more than we realize?

Hey Sarah
I think you need to write what you think the answer is for those questions, but what I can help you with is, you can talk about how the people in the street would help you if you were in good cloths and looks like you do have money, but if you were a homeless they wont even look at you, like that guy in queens that got stabbed and bleed to death and no one even stopped to help him. If he had a suit on , an ambulance would be there in 5 minutes and everyone would have stopped to help him.
I think you do have 2 strong questions, just write more.

Question: How do we place family vs.friends in our lives what makes one more important then another?

Hey abe,
I think you also need to write what you think of answers to you questions, but I can suggest something that you can mention.
I think we see are friends more than are family and are friends are on the same age as us and they can understand what were talking about more then anyone else, so I think friends can be closer in this place, but we always care about family just because there family, and maybe if were close t them also.
I think you do have two good questions, just write what you think an answers to them, I hope I helped.

PART3: http://www.fwbusinesspress.com/display.php?id=12345

basically all of those sources are talking about the diffrence between real friends and facebook friends and that's what i'm really trying to address through my two questions,and its saying that most of facebook friends are just numbers to look at and that 2 or 3 people to talk with everyday and have a real conversation is better than 700 facebook "friends".

Monday, May 10, 2010

H.W #54

my result was EFNJ, (extravert intuitive, feeler, judger)
"people f this type tend to be friendly, outgoing and enthusiastic; affectionate articulate and tactful; highly empathetic but easily hurt; creative and original; decisive and passionately opinionated, productive, organized and responsible."
great careers for this person therpist
college professor
writer/ journalist
social worker....And a lot to go

i think this result is true and its talking a lot about me but not in everything i guess not everything because i didn't answer one of the questions right, one of the things that i really don't think is good for me, the part with the careers, i don't think i am a good writer to be a writer but i wouldn't mind social workers because i like to help people and talk to them a lot.
if was asked to describe my self i would have said, i am not that organized but i am responsible, i think of others need and feel more than i think of what I do need and feel, and i think i should change that and make it more equally, think of others needs and yours in the same time. my result says that i am a judger, my result said that i am "extravert" which is i am a people person and i think i really am, i believe in the arabic saying "no one would like to go to heaven if it was emptied from people" i like to deal with people and i think thats a good thing and i would enjoy it in my future career life, there is bad people that be mean and not nice but who cares about them you can just ignore them.
i really enjoyed ding this survey, it was fun and interesting to read about my self.

h.w #53

When I started reading the questions that on the survey I felt like they were deep questions that you need to answer with being fully honest and not just answer them because you think you have to answer this way like an example, “you’ve been drunk?” when guys ask each other at school that questions, most of the time the answer automatically be yes even though they have never been drunk.

The percentage of the people that said they have been drunk was %36 and the percentage of the people that answered yes on “ does your family really know who you are?” was%31, you can tell that someone lied while there answering the survey because if your family really know who you are (%31) they wouldn’t have let you get drunk And I was also surprised when I saw that there is a %6 of students said that there s a violence issues in there house.
What toke my attention also is the suicide question were 2 or 3 people said that they think of suicide, and when I read people feelings and thought about the survey, not that much of people mentioned it including me, I connect this to what we said in class where we only look at big numbers and ignore small ones even thought those small numbers still counts and those people feelings matter.

I think comparing stuff is a good way to make us see us stuff closer and deeper and it makes it more interesting to read.

The thing that I noticed about the teen survey was that most of the adults would agree that most teens only think about sex and how well they are in it. I agree with them also, and I think if we want to do a survey like how we did in school, most of students would answer the way they think they should answer not the truth. So it would come up not fully %100 right.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

H.W #53 PART-B

When I started reading the questions that on the survey I felt like they were deep questions that you need to answer with being fully honest and not just answer them because you think you have to answer this way like an example, “you’ve been drunk?” when guys ask each other at school that questions, most of the time the answer automatically be yes even though they have never been drunk.
The percentage of the people that said they have been drunk was %36 and the percentage of the people that answered yes on “ does your family really know who you are?” was%31, you can tell that someone lied while there answering the survey because if your family really know who you are (%31) they wouldn’t have let you get drunk And I was also surprised when I saw that there is a %6 of students said that there s a violence issues in there house.

Monday, May 3, 2010

H.W #52

Everyone in life is trying to be excepted by others and in socity, now why do we care if we get excepted by other? I think its because we were rasied on seeing are parents and everyone in front of us caring of what others think and being excepted by others and mostly because if a lot of people say someone is bad or good then its what they decide because if it was one person that said someone is bad then we won't believe it, but when a punch of people do then I think everyone do believe it.

Having a friend means to feel comfortable being with and telling your stories to, In life there is 2 type of friends, the first one is the real friends we see and hang out with and talk to a lot, and the second one is the people we call "friends" but we barely talk to you or hang out with and there like FaceBook friends. And we like to have a lot of friends on FaceBook, even though we don't know half of them, but we like it when others see that we have a big number of "friends".

The way we should treat people: it should be the same way they treat us, so if someone nice to me, I should be nice back, if they be mean were obviously going to be mean back, and i also think that we should treat people the way we like to be treated, treating people is like a mirror to the way u treat them.

Everyone love there family, and I do too, why is it like we have to love are family? I think its because they are the one that toke care of us when we were little babes and there the one who helped us to be what we are right now.

Monday, April 26, 2010

H.W #49

I think the idea of are movie was a good idea, because a lot of student likes there teachers and like to help them if they have any bad things going on in there life, because teachers are helping us to become better people and with out teachers there would be no tomorrow and no future.

The movie we made in class is (this teacher that snort cocaine and get caught by his students and they ask him to stop it and he does for a little while and after a while they caught him again doing it but he promise them again that he wont do it, and in the end the teacher close brother dies and it really effects on him)
I think are movie message was to show how there is some students that still care about their teachers and like them, and that the relationship between the teacher and the student can be a friendship relationship.

The differences between he film we made in class and the movie we watched “freedom riders” that in are movie we are showing that the students is helping the teacher but the “freedom riders” the teacher helps the students in there problems.

I connect are movie to are general life that there is always someone there in life to help people that are feeling not good and try to help people by telling them to stop doing the bad habits (like how the students helped the teacher to stop snorting cocaine) and I think its always worth the try to help people that have bad habits even if were believing it wont work.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


The movie “the class” is showing how it is in class for both sides the student and the teacher, and its showing that in class the troublemaker of the class are always sitting in the back of the class and those or one student is the student that the teachers be talking about like Suleiman in this movie and they talk about what they can do so this kid can do better.

The movie started where the teachers welcoming each other for the new year there starting and then the teachers starts to talk about themselves and what they teach, from the behavior of the students in class I noticed that they were not interested in school and one of the girls was showing attitude to the teacher like in that part were the teacher asked them to write there names and this girl told him “I wont wrote my name, if your not writing your name” like that’s not a way to speak to a teacher with.

To answer your question “Do you hold the teacher responsible for the damage done to Suleiman?” I don’t think MR. martin is responsible for the damage done to Suleiman, and if MR. martin had to find ways to deal with Suleiman I don’t think it would be easy for him, because Suleiman don’t let the class know about him that much so how can the teacher know how to deal with him if he doesn’t know the way he think, I liked when the MR. martin put Suleiman pictures on the board so everyone can see, Suleiman was saying “ ohh there not good” and the MR. martin was like “no you have good work” and you can tell that Suleiman liked it that the teacher had his pictures on the board so everyone can see them even though he was saying “ oh don’t put them on the board”. This way from the teacher makes this type of students think that there doing good work, and it makes the student feel like doing more work and probable even think of doing homework.
I don’t think a 14-15 years old are responsible for their own choices , they might know what’s right and what’s wrong but even if they know themselves doing something wrong but there having fun then there okay with it, like as an example playing video games and not doing homework

In the beginning of the movie the principle was welcoming the student in front of the class, it reminded me of how MR, fanning be in the lobby every morning, and another thing got me thinking of SOF is when they compared students with Wei, it got me thinking of how some teachers in school compare us to other school student as the other school is better than us.
Overall I enjoyed watching this movie and it got me thinking of the situation and relate to it.

Monday, April 12, 2010

H.W #48

Scene one
Student are waiting in front of there class’s to go in with the new cloths on and you can see it on there face’s that there so excited for the new year. The class starts so they go in the classroom. And the teacher starts taking about what there going to do on this semester and a normal class period goes on.

Scene two
Students go from there first class to there second class and where there is a new teacher is going to teach them that subject, they go in and the teacher introduce her self to the class and tells them what there doing this semester and her techniques in teaching this certain subject.

Scene three
The new teacher thinks that she got the class under control based on there behavior on the first day. But the second day when the teacher started teaching, side conversation goes on and students not behave anymore, she tries to get the class under control but it doesn’t work with her.

Scene four
It shows the new teacher asking other teachers in the school how she could relate more with students or connect more with them and what can brings there attention to her, and other teachers tells her to try and talk about grades and how if they don’t listen to her they wont graduate and another trick was to bring candy and who ever answer her questions right, she gives him a piece of candy.
And she tries those tricks and it becomes that the candy trick works better with the students, but they are still not like how the teacher wants them to be in class.

Scene five
This scene should focus on students more than teachers so we can see how the students feels, and there will be love going on or crushes between student in class that causes fight. I think the crushes and love and fighting between student, makes the film more interesting to watch.

Scene six.
In this scene a guy comes from outside the school and see how the school is running and how’s the new teacher doing

Scene seven
The students start to like the teacher with the time and everything goes well and that would be the ending.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

H.W #47

-1 Students are un-behaving in class in the beginning!
-2 There should be a class punk!
-3 There is a class leader or student leader!
-4 Teacher tries to be tough in the beginning but it doesn’t work and they try to get closer to the class leader as another choice and then it works.
-5 There should be comedy going on so it be nice to watch.
-6 Students in the end start to behave and they start to study and do homework which they didn’t from before!

Monday, April 5, 2010

H.W #46

The chocolate war by Robert Cormier is talking about a boy name jerry Renault who goes to a same sex school, and that school has a gang that named the vigils and that lead by Archie Costello, Archie gives homework assignments to boys in the school and Jerrys homework assignment was to sell a number of chocolate box’s , the gang decided to stop Jerry’s assignment, but he refused and they decided to make his life terrible , they did many terrible stuff to him, like calling his house and getting rid of his homework and even beating him up…

In chapter 7 it shows that Emile Janza is the school thug., Janza a proud trouble maker, sits in the front of classrooms instead of the back, always messing with people asking for trouble, largely because he knows most people to avoid it.
I connect this to my topic(comparing same sex school to mix school) on how boys act in same sex school and mix school as thugs.

From my own experience I saw that in same sex all what boys care about is who’s the tougher than the other since there is no girls in the same class to pay more attention to them more than being tough on my friends and being able to beat everyone or hanging out with the toughest guys.
But in mix school boys care about being around the cutest girls or having the cutest girlfriend in the school more than being tough on kids from my school(thinking of the other sex ”girls” makes the boys not think of being tough or beating up other students) . There is probably some guys like that in mix school but not as much as same sex school.

Monday, March 22, 2010

H.W #45

Both agreed that testing results reflect reading levels in elementary grades, but Sizer questioned further uses of tests. Telling reporters that they haven't asked what tests suggest about students, he gave his strong opinion: "They correlate with rich parents and not much else. We have to stop equating serious education with test scores."

These are 2 different theories about school one (Sizer) that is teaching you how to think better and ask good questions, the other (Hirsch) is asking to memorize stuff! In my own experience I wont through both of these theories since I went to 2 different school during high school, and I think both of them has some good stuff and some bad stuff, the good think about memorizing stuff is you know a lot of information in your head that is important, as Hirsch says "Students should be able to read and know basic number facts by the end of the first grade". But the bad think is that it doesn’t teach how to think of things better and develop new ideas which is important!

The other theory (Sizer) helps me to think better and ask better question. And its good because it helps you to think better of everything. But the thing that I don’t like that its more focusing on teaching on how you need to think and it doesn’t give you this much of information of stuff around the world.

But if I was to pick which one is better.I think Sizer is better because in my own experience, when I first got here to America coming from school that teaches Hirsch’s way and went to a school that teach in a Sizer way, the school in the U.S (Sizer way) helped me to learn English in a year because its talking and thinking. As Sizer states, “Inspiration, hunger: these are the qualities that drive good schools. The best we educational planners can do is to create the most likely conditions for them to flourish, and then get out of their way.” This is why I was able to develop the language faster more than if it was focusing on memorizing stuff.

H.W # 44

in Obamas article its saying that school is to give students education and help them to understand stuff better and get them ready for college! and that everyone should work hard because there having all the money and stuff and that he didnt get and of those when he was a student and that his mom used to wake him up early to teach him showing that he worked so hard!
in the other article they didnt focus on what school for or anything they basically were talking about teachers and how they sould love there jobs because there teaching kids and developing new thoughts ad new future!

in my p.o.v i think that we need to work hard because student in the U.S have all the resources and they should take advantage of that to succeed because other student in other countries are not having what student in the U.S students having and there doing better in some areas! what i think school for, is to give us the education and let us know what going around in the world so we understand everything and that we can think of new stuff so in the future we can develop new stuff that effects better on the world!

Monday, March 1, 2010

H.W #42


n this web site it says that “the study’s says says that single sex school doesn’t really matter on the pupils exam results, but it also says in single class school girls do better in chemistry and physics while boys do better in A English and male-dominated subjects”
This site also says that some parents prefer there daughters to be in single sex school because they think that when boys are not in class girls pay attention more and do better! But the number of girls that do better is higher than boys even in mixed school!
this site is saying ” that single sex class may have positive effects on girls” so its agree-ing that single sex class room are better for girls! In my point f view boys most of the time be trying to act like there 2 cool to do homework so they don’t do good even if there is no girls in class!

Do boys/girls do better in single sex school or mixed schools?
I wanted to write about this topic (how single sex classroom are better) because I used to go to a single sex middle school and 2 years for high school, then in my third year of high school I moved to the .U.S and went to a mixed high school.
So I had some experiences about it and how it feels and if its better single sex school or mixed?!

this question is important for people to know because if it does really make a diffrent for student when it be single sex in class rooms and on there grades! then we would make more single sex school to make student gets better and think better and this way we have a better future for evryone!but if it doesnt really matter then we wont be worried if we have mixed schools!

h.w # 41

in this web cite, its telling us that single sex class’s are better than mix ones because they be mixed girls are not assertive about there education if boys are in class room! And that teacher give more time for boys to answer a question more than they give to girls!
This quote on the cite shows the most of what I am talking about!

“Research has shown for a long time that girls are not assertive about their education if boys are in the classroom. Girls also receive less attention from teachers. Studies have shown that teachers wait longer for boys to give an answer than girls.”

this cite tells us that when the class be mixed (boys, girls) each sex be shy in front of the other on doing some stuff in class, and boys behavior be different when girls be around, so its basically not agreeing on having kids of different sex in the same class!

Single sex classrooms effects better on both (boy, girls), and it also says that girls are more successful than boys in school and state of South Carolina is determined to offer a single-sex classroom experience to all middle school students within the next few years.
And I like those points they have on the cite
Whats good about single sex classrooms
* Teachers can spend extra time with topics that boys or girls may struggle with.
* Classes can be differentiated by gender.
* Students may branch out and try new things without the other gender to impress.
* Discipline problems decrease
* Academic achievement increases
* It is inexpensive. Separating the two genders does not require changing walls or hiring more teachers.

What’s not good about single sex classrooms!
* Social skills between genders get put on hold.
* Not all studies show academic improvement.
* Some feel it is discrimination. The ACLU believes that boys do not learn differently than girls and can lead to unequal education.
* This theory has not stood the test of time.
And as we can see the good stuff are more than the bad ones! S I guess single sex classrooms are better than mixed ones!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

H.W #39

Part A-
List of Questions:
1. How did school come to be?
2. What was the first public school ever?
3. Will there ever be an alternative to school?

List of Ideas:
1. School separates us based on the knowledge we show to have.
2. School can either make or break someone's self esteem
3. School goes hand in hand with the putting out there the ideas that media wants us to believe

List of Experience:
1. Small group of friends in all my years of school.
2. Stress of grades and keeping up with the work in a way you have always done.
3. Seeing how people get treated.

Part B-
When people think of school I'm sure the first thing that comes to their heads are "education, friends, knowledge" but do they ever think " gossip, enemies" and things of that sort? Most of the time no. Though school is made as a pathway to knowledge and a brighter future , at the same time there is a hidden pathway to depression, loneliness and so. We must admit that school was started with "good intentions" a way to keep us mentally healthy? To have a social life, while at the same time learning new things, but as time went on it turned into something soo deeply complicated.

School, for some people can be the greatest time , while others just pray for it to end as quickly as possible. Some can't handle the stress, some can't handle the bullying and the negativity from peers, this can ultimately lead to disasters. But what can be done? We can't blame the system for the way people are, because I believe the reason school has become so negative is due to the way people are. I believe school can lead some people to do things that they wouldn't other wise due. So far in all the years of school I've seen people who are extremely shy, they are picked on constantly , they are taken advantage of, and all I can think of is "why?" Why must people be this way to others? School is like a second home we spend about 6 hrs surrounded with the same group of people for yrs, shouldn't we treat them like family maybe? I would be interested in seeing why or how this can be changed.

Posted by Personal/PoliticalCarol at 7:25 PM 0 comments

* Finally got it up, not going to go on about why its late, but here it is*

My group for this art project was Ellen and Moe. Initially we had a set plan on what our video would look like, it was going to be the "8 Rules of Cool" BUT as you can see that didn't really work out. We were stuck on ideas and decided to take a break and started having just random conversations , which Ellen so slickly (-_-) tried to record on the camera. We went on with topics of anything that came to mind, but ended up on the topic of alcohol and different lifestyles.

The insight i guess could be portrayed as showing different views of cool, based on our back round. As we know Moe is Muslim, so his view and ideas of what is good, wrong, bad, right and cool is very different from my 23 yr old cousins lifestyle, that she is ultimately used to. I guess people can see from our video that cool varies, cool is made out of what we believe , and were raised to believe. This just proves the point that cool can be soo different .

Based on this project making art is not soo cool, its actually really difficult, when it comes to a video at least, there's a lot of thinking and planning that goes into it, very different from a simple painting or drawing, as i did in the last unit. When it comes to the final outcome art is very cool though (not sure if our video falls into the category tho) Seeing the hard work being paid off and how beautiful the outcome is , is ultimately cool.

H.W #40

Interview with my brother!
Do you think having boys and girls in the same class effects on there grades?!
No because if there going for the goal of getting educated and learning then it wont matter if they be with the other sex in the same class!

If we put boys and girls in separate schools, who do you think would do better (boys or girls)? Girls, because most of the boys are always trying to act like there too cool to do homework!

Why is it easy to go on (Face book and aim…etc) but it’s hard to do homework?
Because homework is something that has to be done on a certain date and time so they have to do it, and when you have to do something its harder to do it, but face book or aim...Etc is something you do for fun so it’s easier!

What’s your experience of being a student? Was your school different then the high school of this year?! Being a student is a responsibility of doing homework and waking up for school, and my school was separated where I only was with boys and it was more serious then high school in America!
Interview with a cousin
Do you think having boys and girls in the same class effects on there grades?!
Yes, because the age of the students in high school (teen) is the age that the person be thinking of the other sex a lot so In my opinion it does effect on there grades!

If we put boys and girls in separate schools, who do you think would do better (boys or girls)? Boys, because the mentally ability of thinking is more active in boys then it’s with girls, so I think boys would do better!

Why is it easy to go on (Face book and aim…etc) but it’s hard to do homework?
Because Face book is something for fun, homework is something boring to do and it something that you have to think hard to get it done so the student would rather face book and aim and all those stuff better than doing his homework because he’s already bored from school!

What’s your experience of being a student? Was your school different then the high school of this year?
It was hard being a student because I never liked to wake up early nor do homework and I think it’s the same because I went to a high school in America and it was basically the same.

Interview my self!
Do you think having boys and girls in the same class effects on there grades?!
I think it does effect because boys or girls be focusing on getting dressed and trying to get the other sex attention more than doing homework and focusing on school!

If we put boys and girls in separate schools, who do you think would do better (boys or girls)? I think girls would do better then boys, because guys are always paying attention to cars and getting money and girls! But I think girls pay attention more to school than guys!

Why is it easy to go on (Face book and aim…etc) but it’s hard to do homework?

Because we think that going to school is enough and its time to have fun and go on Face book and aim and all of those stuff so well just go on face book to have fun and forget about doing homework!

What’s your experience of being a student? Was your school different then the high school of this year?
Being a student is a big responsibility from going to school on time and doing work and studying, I went to high school in the Middle East for the 9th and 10th grades and then moved here! It was more serious over there and I was getting better grades when I was in a class with only guys and no girls at all! And the teaching system was way different and serious then America high school system!

Monday, February 8, 2010

H.W #39

Part A
3 questions I really thoughts were good about school were
1-why do we take useless math in school?
2-why teachers take it wrong (or get mad) when the student tries to improve them wrong?
3-why is it boring to be at school?

Part B
My first year at a high school in America was my junior year (2008/2009) I moved from another country from the Middle East, it was hard for me, new people and new language and new everything basically! I didn’t know what to do; I felt everything was awkward for me.
Even though it was awkward and hard, I knew deep inside that I would do it and fit in the school, and I knew learning English and graduating from high school is the best for me and its going to help me in my future, by going in a college with my diploma and major something and work…. and my life would go on.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Everyone wants to be cool, by (wearing the latest cloths or trying to be popular or getting a lot of girls in bed… etc) I think there is no definition to the word cool, because each person have his own definition of what cool is, we try to be cool and we feel empty, The emptiness that many of us experience is a result of our over thinking and constant performing of cool

We care what people think and us trying to be cool makes us uncool!
Whenever we want to do anything, we think people are looking at us, we think of what people are going to say and think (of that something we going to do )before we even think if we feel comfortable doing it are self’s
We care of who are we going to be seen walking with, or talking to, like why? Why don’t we just stop caring?
I think the answer of why some people do care about what other people think of them is just because those people don’t give them self enough credit , they think there less then others , and they have to ask everyone of how they look and if its good and excepted or not! They don’t believe in them self that there good enough, those people when they be afraid of being not looking good and afraid of what they be doing , that makes them not free makes them act different and that makes them “uncool” to people. I think that’s when the feeling of emptiness comes, when this group of people that (care about what people think) say something and couple of people laugh, then they think that there dumb and they would think of it before they sleep of who was there when those people laughed and they keep thinking of it again and again, that’s the feeling of emptiness but why don’t we just stop caring? I still don’t know the answer for this question.
. “I wonder how they feel about themselves..." (Gwendolyn Brooks) I was surprised when she said that line I was expecting her to say something along the lines of, I wonder if they think they are cool for not going to school... I think the way she decided to put it however makes a whole lot more sense to finding the purpose of cool. Having high self-esteem is something we all want and I think that when someone has it his or her appearance and personality seems a whole lot stronger. However even the most confident person to us may seem like they know exactly what they are doing and are positive about themselves but may have a completely different idea of themselves then what appears to an onlooker. It seems as if most people for their whole lives try to find their purpose for being here, and so we observe all of the things around us. One of them being other people, we have this whole idea that by looking at other people we will find the answer. But in reality we all are so different so I don't think we are looking in the right places. I think the reason why so many people are alike is because we observe hundreds of people every day and we pick up on traits that appear to be making the person happy. Just as Gwendolyn Brooks was trying to say, what drives them to do the things they do... if they can do it can't I do it too?” Sarah Lewis H.W # 34

I think Feeling emptiness comes from the person thinking that he/she is not perfect as other or is not good as other so we feel that were less good and other are better than us so we feel lonely and that were nothing in life and that’s how feeling of emptiness comes. In my point of view I don’t think there is anyone better than other, were all equal.
Rich or poor people gets that feelings, the poor ones thinks that no point of living because they don’t have money and think that the rich people be living life and not having a bad day ever which is not right, you can be rich and not happy poor people sometimes be having a life better than rich people(less stuff to care about, don’t have much of enemies like how rich people do have most of the time) they be more calm and happy. But poor people don’t notice that of think of it

we love attention
we try to get other people attention because when everyone looks at me and laugh at my jokes then I am the coolest and sometimes the jokes be stupid but that guy who said the joke friends would laugh for him so he wont look stupid,
Some people do some weird stuff ,like dress in a weird way to get attention make fun of anyone so people can laugh and get attention to be cool. We don’t care about other people feelings, all I care about is people laughed on my joke now IM COOL
Don’t we all act in most of the stuff we do in are regular day the same way!
Well do the same way in certain stuff we act the same, we follow are culture map and the people living around us, if what there doing is okay then I can do it, if what there doing makes them cool to other people so then I should do it so I can look cool, that’s the way every one thinks, when someone don’t get the attention from the class ( no one laughs on his jokes or ignoring him) or when someone gets no attention from girls, then this person would get the feeling emptiness, because he thinks no one likes him and he’s not good like others since he got no attention.

Tattoos and cool
Some people think having a tattoo is cool and some think its not, I think it depends on how the person think and on there religion. In my religion I can’t have a tattoo even if the tattoo is going to say something religion “you have to keep in mind the fact that body piercing, tattooing, branding, etc. all fall in the category of unnecessary interference, alteration and mutilation of Allah's creation. Therefore, no Muslim, who is conscious of his religion, should ever contemplate such activities.”(islam.com), and either my culture let me get a tattoo; they would look at me like I’m doing something wrong! Because that’s how they thing and I’m not following the culture map! Are culture map is to do what are parents think is right (not talk to girls, not have tattoo’s, pray, work, finish college and work, and after you have the enough money you get married and have your own family) I believe all of it is right, but not everything! But that’s only to my religion, in other religions and cultures its okay to have tattoo’s, I think it’s all based on how we were raised to see stuff! When some people cannot get tattoo either because there Muslim or because there family don’t let them, and they see there friends having tattoo’s and they think its cool and they think there friend getting girls just because there having tattoos, then those people get the feeling emptiness and there not cool like there friends!

Cite sources

Sarah Lewis H.W assignment
Gwendolyn Brooks

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

h.w #36 part a

comments on Sarah's rough draft

I like how you have a lot of strong question in the beginning of your paper, it makes the reader excited to read more and get the answer for them.
If you want you can talk more about the 3 life’s each person that has facebook has more deeply! Like tell us in his school life he have this and then when he goes home it changes from this to this and then we he goes on facebook he changes from this mood to this mood. And you can say FaceBook was started by a 12 years old kid and now the CIA have a big control on it, they can see anyone’s information and friends!
I liked when you talked about the people that live on the island that there poor or basically don’t have what we do have, but there much happier then us. You should talk more about this say why there happy even though they have less (expansive cars and nice houses…etc) then us?!
You are saying “we buy everything that fits these characters and put on a certain role to fulfill these characters.” You can talk how u be doing that and it leads you know that it leads you to emptyniess but your still doing it!

Nice job I enjoyed reading it! thanks


thats a try to check my colors, IGNOR IT PLEASE

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rough draft hw# 35

Thesis: we are all trying to be cool or thinking of how to be cool, just thinking of how to be cool leads us to the feeling emptiness

Paragraph 1: we care what people think and us trying to be cool makes us uncool!
Whenever we want to do anything, we think people are looking at us, we think of what people are going to say and think (of that something we going to do )before we even think if we feel comfortable doing it are self’s
We care of who are we going to be seen walking with, or talking to, like why? Why don’t we just stop caring?
I think the answer of why some people do care about what other people think of them is just because those people don’t give them self enough credit , they think there less then others , and they have to ask everyone of how they look and if its good and excepted or not! They don’t believe in them self that there good, those people when they be afraid of being not looking good and afraid of what they be doing , that makes them not free makes them act different and that makes them “uncool” to people. I think that’s when the feeling of emptiness comes , (hen this group of people that care about what people think) say something and couple of people laugh, then they started thinking that there dumb and they would think of it before they sleep of who was there when those people laughed and they keep thinking of it again and again ,that’s the feleing of emptiness
The feeling of emptiness, where does it come from and why do we think this way? And how can we fix it? I think Feeling emptiness comes from the person thinking that he/she is not perfect as other or is not good as other so we feel that were less good and other are better than us so we feel lonely and that were nothing in life and that’s how feeling of emptiness comes. In my point of view i don’t think there is anyone better than other, were all equal so no one should start thinking that there is people better than him, they probably take more attention or more love by other people to them but every person have people that loves him and cares about him
Some people see the person that has a girlfriend cooler than the one that doesn’t or if someone gets the attention is school or between family for some reasons then he’s cool or someone that’s poplar in the town, all of these when someone think of them and see his self doesn’t have one of these stuff then he’s not cool and not good as those people that does have those stuff so they start getting the emptiness feeling.
Rich or poor people gets that feelings, the poor ones thinks that no point of living because he doesn’t have money and thinks that the rich people be living life and not having a bad day ever which is not right , you can be rich and not happy and I see a lot of situations where poor people be living life better than rich people( less stuff to care about, don’t have much of enemies like how rich people do have most of the time) they be more calm and happy. But poor people don’t notice that or think of it
If a person wants to stop thinking that way then he/she needs to stop thinking that people are better than him and that there is no need for him in life were all equal no one is better than other and if you work and learn then there is need for you, but if you always wants to stay home and sleep than you wont get no where in life.
I think dogs feel emptiness like us because dogs they feel stuff, and we know that they feel stuff because when they see the person that they like they go running to him and they start licking them ,when they do that you can tell they do have feelings so they can feel the emptiness but my question is how would we know that there feeling emptiness like right on that second? And what do they do when they feel emptiness? Like us people we be saying (no point of living, i wish to die, what is this life?).
Its not cool at all to feel that way (emptiness) because its stressful and it makes the person feel not good, but what cool is, to ignore somehow that feeling and think the right way (not think your less and not good as others and that we do have a life) to make this feelings not come or go away if we do have it.
The people that just don’t care of those things are cooler than the people who do care , because they be acting normally (not looking at other peoples faces to see if there laughing,nd there face doesn’t turn red when everyone looks at them when they talk) they don’t be afraid of anything and I think that’s the right way on how to be acting.

Paragraph 2; we love attention
we try to get other people attention because when everyone looks at me and laugh at my jokes then I am the coolest and sometimes the jokes be stupid but that guy who said the joke friends would laugh for him so he wont look stupid,
Some people do some weird stuff ,like dress in a weird way to get attention make fun of anyone so people can laugh and get attention to be cool. We don’t care about other people feelings, all I care about is people laughed for me and now IM COOL now

Paragraph 3:tattoos and cool
Some people think having a tattoo is cool and some think its not, I think it depends on how the person think and on there religion. In my religion I cant have a tattoo even if the tattoo is going to say something religion, and either my culture let me get a tattoo, they would look at me like I’m doing something wrong! Because that’s how they thing and im not following the culture map! Are culture map is to do what are parents think is right( not talk to girls, not have tattoo’s, pray, work, finish college and work, and after you have the enough money you get married and have your own family) I believe all of it is right, but not everything! But that’s only to my religion, in other religions and cultures its okay to have tattoo’s, I think its all based on how we were raised to see stuff!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

HW #.33 paper outline

Thesis: we are all trying to be cool or thinking of how to be cool, just thinking of how to be cool leads us to the feeling emptiness

Paragraph 1: we care what people think
Whenever we want to do anything, we think people are looking at us, we think of what people are going to say and think (f that something we going to do )efore we even think if we feel comfortable doing it are self’s
We care of who r we going to be seen walking with, r talking to, like why? Why don’t we just stop caring?

Paragraph 2; we love attention
we try to get other people attention because when everyone looks at me and laugh at my jokes then I am the coolest then anyone would be my friend, do some weird stuff ,some people dress in a weird way to get attention make fun of anyone so people can laugh and get attention to be cool. We don’t care about other people feelings, all I care about is people laughed for me and now IM COOL

Paragraph 3:trying to be cool, makes us uncool.
When we try to be cool, we just get confused on what we are going to do to make us look cool in front of people, but when we just lets it go and not think of trying to be cool then you just be cool.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

HW #32


I wouldn’t like to have a tattoo that would stay on my body for ever or I would have to take it off with the lazier, I wouldn’t mind having the tattoo that would go away after a week or 2, and that’s because I think tattoo that stays on, I would get bored of it, just like change it, and the one that goes away would be a good one because its going away and not staying.
In my religion you cant have a tattoo on your body even if your having a tattoo of a religion thing, and in the Arabic culture people do mind there son having a tattoo, so who gets one it be a big deal, I think because most of the Arabs are Muslim and because they cant have it in there religion they just deal with it and its in there head that, that’s it no tattoo for there kids.
But I don’t think there is any point from getting a tattoo for life, like what’s the thing you are going to draw or write on your body that’s worth drawing or writing? I don’t think there is anything worth it, but if you like tattoos , just get one that goes away after a week or two and you’ll be happy and it wont stay on your body and youll get a different thing after in the same place if you want 2.

HW #31

i asked my friend 3 questions about what she wear, and how she eat, and how she do her hair? And what image she try to get in peoples head?...

What type of clothes do you wear?
“Normal cloths that I feel comfortable in, and that covers all my body.”
What image you trying to create in peoples head from the cloths you wear ?
“only care about my cloths to be clean and elegant, but I want people to get the image of the respectful and nice girl in there head about me.”

How do you do your hair style?
“My hair style is to put my hair down with out anything on it”
What image you trying to create in peoples head from the way you do your hair style?
“i like to put my hair down usually to create the image in peoples mind that im the girl that takes things easy and I’m the simple girl.”

What way do you eat?
“I like to eat slowly not fast, because this way you get full faster with less food.”
What image you try to create in peoples head from the way you eat?
“I like to eat slowly so I don’t dirty my face when I eat fast, and to respect the food I think, and when people see my face clean when I eat, then they get the image of me that im clean.”

About me myself,
what type of clothes do I wear? I don’t like to wear baggy cloths or tight cloths, I like it to be half and half so I can feel comfortable in it, and the cloths I wear I pick it randomly it doesn’t have to be a certain type of clothes to wear and I don’t try to create any image in people head I don’t really care what people are going to think of me or the way I dress.

How do you do you hair style? I like it to be short and clean.
And what image you try to create in peoples head from the way you do your hair style?
I try to make that image in there head that I’m clean, because I think the long hair is dirty on boys because its a lot of hair, and we boys we don’t care about are self like how girls do, so girls can have long hair but I don’t think we can(boys).

What way do you eat?
I think I eat fast
What image you try to create in peoples head from the way you eat?
Well when I be hungry I don’t care what people will think of me, I just want to eat, so I eat fast, so I don’t think I be trying to create any image.