Sunday, December 20, 2009

h.w #30

The feeling of emptiness, where does it come from and why do we think this way? And how can we fix it? , do other humanlike dogs feel the emptiness?
I think Feeling emptiness comes from the person thinking that he/she is not perfect as other or is not good as other so we feel that were less good and other are better than us so we feel lonely and that were nothing in life and that’s how feeling of emptiness comes. In my point of view i don’t think there is anyone better than other, were all equal so no one should start thinking that there is people better than him, they probably take more attention or more love by other people to them but every person have people that loves him and cares about him
Some people see the person that has a girlfriend cooler than the one that doesn’t or if someone gets the attention is school or between family for some reasons then he’s cool or someone that’s poplar in the town, all of these when someone think of them and see his self doesn’t have one of these stuff then he’s not cool and not good as those people that does have those stuff so they start getting the emptiness feeling.
Rich or poor people gets that feelings, the poor ones thinks that no point of living because he doesn’t have money and thinks that the rich people be living life and not having a bad day ever which is not right , you can be rich and not happy and I see a lot of situations where poor people be living life better than rich people( less stuff to care about, don’t have much of enemies like rich people) they be more calm and happy. But poor people don’t notice that or think of it
If a person wants to stop thinking that way then he/she needs to stop thinking that people are better than him and that there is no need for him in life were all equal no one is better than other and if you work and learn then there is need for you, but if you always wants to stay home and sleep than you wont get no where in life.
I think dogs feel emptiness like us because dogs they feel stuff, and we know that they feel stuff because when they see the person that they like they go running to him and they start licking them ,when they do that you can tell they do have feelings so they can feel the emptiness but my question is how would we know that there feeling emptiness like right on that second? And what do they do when they feel emptiness? Like us people we be saying (no point of living, i wish to die, what is this life?).
Its not cool at all to feel that way (emptiness) because its stressful and it makes the person feel not good, but what cool is, to ignore somehow that feeling and think the right way (not think your less and not good as others and that we do have a life) to make this feelings not come or go away if we do have it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

H.W # 27

Interview with people on the street,
I went to the bus stop, and there was an old lady sitting there, I asked her” who’s cooler president Obama or Michel Jackson? And she said” Michal Jackson is cooler, because a lot of people loves him” so I asked the second question” what does cool mean? “Cool is to be nice and everyone loves you, but there isn’t that much of cool people these a days”.

And then I moved to the second person, and it’s another guy waiting for the bus 2, so I asked him whose cooler Obama or Michel Jackson? And he said” Obama is cooler because he’s helping the country and he’s doing thing to fix this country, but Michel Jackson is just a singer that’s sings and dance”, so I asked the second question, what does cool mean to you? And he said” cool is to help people and to be happy “I said that’s it? He’s like umm I guess that’s it with me, and then the bus came and they left.

So I started looking for another person to talk to, and I couldn’t find anyone, so I decided to go to the post office, and I asked that guy waiting on the line” hey, who’s cooler
Obama or Michel Jackson? And he said” Michel Jackson of course “and then I asked the second question, what does cool mean to you? And he said” cool is being cool” I was like can you give me a definition? He’s like” umm cool is to be the best and to be looking fresh always and getting all the ladies”.

Interview with my friend.

I asked my friend “what does cool mean to you?” and he said “Cool means to respect people and not be hated by people”

Does wearing the most expansive clothes makes the person cooler? And he said “well to me it doesn’t, but to other people it does and I’m saying to other people it does because people be more friendly and more want to talk to someone wearing expansive clothes than someone wearing regular clothes’”

Who’s cooler Obama or Michel Jackson? And why? And he said “I think Michel Jackson is cooler, because Obama said he wants to fix the country and he been in the white house for enough time and he still didn’t do anything yet, Michel Jackson makes my mood good when I listen to his music (and he laughed)”

Interview with my cousin.

I asked my cousin “what does cool mean to you?” and he said “cool is to be super nice with people and knowing by a lot of people and when people talk about you they be like he’s nice and funny, not boring and annoying”

And then I asked him, “does wearing the most expansive clothes make the person cooler?” and he said “ wearing the most expansive clothes makes the person look better but I think it helps to make the person be cooler.”

And the 3rd question, “who’s cooler Obama or Michel Jackson?” and he said “ I don’t know them well to tell you if there cool or not, there probably nice on t.v but mean and not nice in real”

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

“Yes I am cool, and I consider my self cool because I have a lot of friends and I’m funny so that’s cool.”

Do you think you can be cooler than this?
“I am cool but I don’t think I can be cooler than this, there are other people cooler out there but I think im at the average level of coolness.”

Do you think these cloths make you cool?
“I don’t think cloths makes me cool or makes anyone cool, cloths is just martial to cover are body with and cool is a personality and being nice, I mean that’s what it is to me, I don’t know about other people and what they think of it.”

Are you cool? And why you think your self cool?

How is your hair making you look cool? “It’s cute isn’t it? I mean I like it, and when I like something on me then I think it makes me look cool.”
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning, and It’s of course so you can look cool?
“I have to wake up early so I can get ready and it takes me 2 hours but when I get out I feel comfortable because I feel like I’m looking good and cool not dirty and ugly”

If you were asked to pick one of these( to have a good body or the best clothes) which one would you pick? I would pick the body because if my body is good then th cloths would fit on me good, and I don’t care what the cloths be (its like if you put the best cloths on a monkey he’s still a monkey) better body then people be cooler wwith me and I be the same to them, and specially guys.

When you buy cloths do you look a t price first or if you like it you buy it?
“I look at the (shirt or pants…etc) and see if it fits me good and I like it on me and the color goes with my skin color good then ill buy it and I wont care about the price, the best cloths that fits on me and look good at me makes me look great and makes ladies talk to me more, and that so cool”

Does it take you long in picking your clothes and the colors of what your going to wear?
Yes it does because I don’t like to wear many colors that doesn’t matches with each other than id look like a rainbow it takes me time , and my mom tells me I’m like girls I be sitting in front of mirrors but its not just girls that take care of themselves.

Monday, November 30, 2009

h.w # 25


Hey Sarah,
I liked your story it was interesting to read and the character of your story was real and her self not trying to be someone ells which is cool to me, I liked how you said “ the girl was saying ”I could feel my face getting bright red” and in the story the girl seemed like she’s talking more and more about her and being comfortable which she wasn’t in the beginning.

Hey Abe,
I like your story and how its talking about report cards, your story is talking about real stuff happening now a day’s , the one who didn’t pass 2 f his class’s was feeling “cool” because he think his self like he’s too cool for school (for me he’s un cool) because he’s going to end up in shit, no job and no life, and I think the one who passed and are feeling good are cool, and the one who failed feels he’s so cool because he have a car and like it’s a big deal. It’s a good story, I enjoyed reading it, keep it up.

Hey Jace,
I liked your story, but it was a little bit short, but I liked how you use imagery (the balloon and are life) here is nothing ells to say for me, keep using imagery but not for the whole story, like talk about other stuff and with details, good job.

Hey amber,
I liked your story, it was good (not short and not long) but the character didn’t sound cool to me because she was acting like she’s a big shit, like “expelled me now” she can just explane what happens with her or bring a note from family and they will go over it lol but not this way, not saying the story is bad, the story is great, good job keep it up.

Hey Amon,
Your story doesn’t relate to the school at all and I think it should be but I’m not sure ask and see, but I liked the story you have and I think the character shouldn’t care about the other people and what they think and be his self and that would be cool.


I think everyone is talking about them self’s and how they go in school, and what they usually do, like amon smokes so he puts in his story smoking stuff, but the think that related between almost everyone that’s they say that everyone be having I-pods on when they go in school(they say that either by saying, oh she saw the teacher lips moving, or I was listening to music when I was walking in…etc) and text messaging in class was in a lot of story’s, like in the story’s we were talking about are self and what we do and all what related between all the story’s is(i-pods and text messaging).

Thursday, November 19, 2009

redoing the short story

he wakes up so tired gets ready so slow, and gets to the school usually late, see’s the dean on the door saying “that’s not what you said when you came with your brother to sign in this school, you told us you going to be early every day” walks up to his class and goes in while everyone be looking at him and one goes “oh what time is it?” to be funny which is not, and that’s even before they say good morning , well he sits down and do his class work and pay attention to the teacher, and he remembers he have home work for the next class he have that he didn’t do, so he starts working on it during the class he’s late 2, its 9.30 and he have 15 minutes left to finish his homework that’s due for the next class.
The teacher goes” stop working on math and pay attention over here” he ignores the teacher and continue working like the teacher didn’t even say anything. then the teacher takes the notebook from him and said “come take it after this class ends” and he goes “oh my god, I was almost done, come on” and the teacher says “now stop talking and shut up” then he goes “ don’t tell me to shut up , I mean you can say be quite better than shut up, nicer” the teacher goes “ I said shut up, so shut up please). The teacher goes away and he start telling the student that sitting next to him” why that ass hole is picking on me today?” the other student goes “ugh life is sucks buddy”.

short story

the boss: hey
the worker: hey

the boss: how you doing?
the worker: good and you?

the boss: i'm good but why the floor is not clean?
the worker: because its not my turn to clean the floor, its Susana's turn (the second

the boss: go do the floor
the worker: but its not my turn and i don't feel like doing it. Susuan go do the floor its your turn, and make your boss happy!
the second worker: i aint cleaning any floor ven if its my turn, because the boss told you to do it

the worker: hahah yeah yeah
the boss: if the floor is not clean in 2 minutes then both of u guys are kicked out.

the worker: ok i am gonna clean it but you know its not my turn and its not fair.
the boss: well thanks, what ells you want me to do?
the second worker: its only cleaning the floor its not like you gave the boss a million dollar.

the boss: well if it was that simple, why didn't you do it?
the worker: hahahah someone got shut!
the boss: well do the floor and shut up, now you got shut!

the boss: tomorrow i want you Susana(the second worker) to take off.
the second worker: why you want me to take off? i was off 2 days ago.

the boss: look i am the boss and i do whatever is right to get the business good, so tomorrow your off.
the worker: 0o0o so wait 5 minutes ago you told me hes the boss and we have to do whatever he tells us 2, then don;t come tomorrow!

the second worker: its not your business!
the boss: hes right about that, but i don't care about whats going off, i only care that tomorrow your not coming.

the second worker: alright i am not coming, just shut up both of you guys!

Monday, November 16, 2009

H.W # 23

HW 23 - 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

i think every one likes to have a lot of friends and to be knowing by every one, when problems happen between people its because someone is in a bad mood and don't feel good or when there is a miss understanding between 2 people and then drama happens but that's uncool to me to have a fight with someone or drama and you don't even understand the other person and what he did that got you mad, and a third reason on why sometimes drama happens its because probably someone is fucked up, but i don't think there is fucked up people in this world probably a little, i think that because like how i said in the beginning evryone likes to have a lot of friends and evryone be nice to him/her.

uncool mean to me, to be not nice with people, act like your better than people,there is no one better than anyone in this world, i think were all at the same level no one should be showing off or acting like hes the best, and we mentioned in class that having a new shoes make a person probably cool or having a new phone to some people, i don't agree with that because having a new phone doesn't make any person be a better person its only a new phone any one can work and get it, but if a person don't have a good phone, most of he people be making fun of him, like OoOo people got to the moon and you still have that old phone, and some people get hurtted when people be making fun of them but they should not and alot of them go just buy a new phone so people stop making fun of them, i dont think thats a good idea just be your self and not give a fuck of what people think, not everyone can effort buying a new phones and new brand name cloths so we shouldn't be making fun of them because that's uncool, and you never know probably in the future they get educated and they start working and get money and they start getting all those new stuff and something happens with your job and u stop getting money or effort getting new stuff so you be in there place, and i don't think you'd like to made fun of!

in are school or are grade, i think everyone is cool because everyone is friendly and not be trying to make trouble or drama with me, so everyone is cool to me, i don't know about other people and i don't know if they think I'm cool or not! and to say if someone is cool or not you need to be knowing him, not judge him with out even knowing him, you'd say this guy is cool but you don't know him and he be an ass hole, and you can say this guy is uncool and hes probably a nice guy!

i think i am nice with every one so i consider my self cool with people i guess, but being nice to people sometimes is not good, because like how we said in class when someone shows people that he don't give a fuck about them they be nicer than when you show them attention, and "it works in relation ships" Jacara and Kareem.

well that's what i think of what cool means but its probably wrong and its probably right, id like to know the right detention of it and how would we consider someone is cool or uncool?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

grading the paper

POV: 3
Evidence: 2.5
Effective Organization: 2
Connections and Significance: 2.5
Opposing POV: 2.5
Communication Written: 1.5
Communication Performance: 2.5
ALL= 16.5

the final paper!

Eq: How is digital technology affecting bad on our society?

this world has a lot of things that made are life easier like digital devices but in the same time it got us into stuff we don’t want to be in.
‘digital representation is making us lazier and unhealthy and it reduce us to stupid chines ordering slope

technology made the kids and teen stop doing there homework
and some of the adults stay up all night on the video game wasting time trying to finish some video games levels and go to work late! Which it gets all of who’s using it dumber that’s what I think, because there
always doing the same think and thinking of the same thing. Which it makes there minds close (only open for video games to think) like if someone keeps doing math it helps him to get better in math, but we use math a lot in our life, what do we get from video games that we use in our lives or makes us think better? And most of the video games that be played are killing games and shooting ones , so how is that going to help them think better and be smarter? Shoot and kill people and most of whos playing it are kids!

the people I use to live with in the middle east didn’t have that much of
electronic devices from (i-pods, TVs’, cell phones…etc) like the 20 years and up would have cell phones but they would only use it for emergencies not to text and waste time or call girls and talk to them for hours probably talking about the same thing again and again, any American person that’s living with all of these device’s would say how are these people in the middle east are living with out any of (i-pod, laptops, new cellphone…etc)?

I think there living a better life then us, simple and easy no headache and stress that we get from these digital devices or waste of time! And there way smarter kids in school, always doing there home works and studying for exam’s they don’t have face book to distract them or cell phones to text! There living a basic normal life not caring of what this guy or girl wrote on my wall, or should I go out with this guy or girl and all of this things we keep thinking of from using technology, like (Face book and My space…etc)

And an example of that is me, I used to live in Palestine and then I moved to America, there I had no i-pod , I had a cell phone but
I never texted on it, I just used it for emergencies(none of electronics devices to distract me from doing my work) I used to do my work in less time than what it takes me right now, Now when I try to do my homework I be like let me check face book and do work in the same time, then it takes me an hour doing that simple home work which it actually take 10 minutes if I focused on it, and it would take like an hour and I wouldn’t give me whole attention to it and it wont be good as what I use to do before!

people there have less stuff to make there life easier like people over here, and there doing better than us! They work hard to go in college! We here have financial aid for who ever doesn’t have the money to pay for college and scholars ships and all of these things that’s helps getting in college, and most of the kids have trouble going in colleges from not graduating and from the low gpa! Like if the people in the Middle East had what people over here have from chances to get in colleges and study you would see %90 of them in colleges.

I am not saying there isn’t any smart people over here at all. There is , but I
don’t think they be addicted to digital devices they probably have (Cell phones and laptops…etc) but they wont use them in a way that hurt them(waste there time)! Like they don’t fall into those stuff a lot, there paying more attention to school and actual things that’s going to get them somewhere in life, these are the people we can call smart!

From using digital devices a lot were not paying attention to what’s happening in the World, like this ozone problem that’s happening, and its happening because of us, by (burning are garbage and using a lot of cars…etc) all of these things dirty the air and causing the ozone problem!

This ozone problem is causing a lot of bad things, one of those things, the number of The people getting skin cancer is going up, and all of what were doing is just playing video games, who cares About “68,720 person that gets a skin cancer a year”wekipedia its not us who’s getting it, We can help to stop the number in going down, but we don’t know how we going to do That, we can search it but why would we? In the 10 minutes that would take us searching How we can stop that problem we can play video games or text someone! Isn’t that Ignorant, who knows probably next year it be one of are family who’s having that Problem or r self!

Why couldn’t we stop all of those stuff and pay more attention to the world and What’s happening, more than what levels were at in this video game or what’s happening on that t-v show!

Technologies made are life easier but it tokes from us more than what it gave us, from being smart and healthy to being unhealthy and less smart and the worst part that were paying for these devices a lot of money like an example($230 just for an i-pod touch) we can buy food for the whole week and for the whole family with this $230 isn’t that crazy? Aren’t we paying money for something that hurting us! . I’m not saying technology is not good at all, I know it made some of things way easier than before but in the same time it hurts us if we use it wrong, a good example of it is a knife and the knife depends on how you use it, you can use it to help you cut something, and it can hurt you if you use it wrong! Technology if you use it to waste your time and spend your money on unneeded stuff and get us unhealthy this way it hurts like the knife, and if we use it to search stuff and only call people for emergencies and good stuff this way it would help us!

technology makes the people who use digital devices a lot, get a bad health! From sitting down not moving and eating and looking at the screen not moving, but why were still doing it while we know its bad for us and its bad and how we got addicted to it?

Anyone in this world wish to have the best body and no one wish to be fat,
and the only way to get the best body is to work out or play sport so if we use a lot of digital devices we would never get that best body and be happy we would be fat and be sad!

(to connect it again to the middle east) in the Middle East I don’t see that much of fat and unhealthy

People most of them go play sport on the weekend not Sit home in front of screens and get fatter and fatter, eating fast food the food we
order on the phone because (were 2 lazy to make food in are kitchen from are clean hands and clean kitchen tools)And sitting in front of screen (TV or computer or PSP…etc) for hours not moving just opening are eyes makes the person gets fat no matter what!

What do we get from the digital devices (TVs or computers…etc) ok let’s say we use them to talk to people or search stuff, but what ells? Making some dreams and were just talking and talking about those dreams and were not doing anything to make those dreams to come true, because we don’t have time to do anything ells from using the digital devices(like to work and get money to go somewhere for vecation as a dream) ! So we just get those huge dreams that probably are never going to come true(like a guy talking to a girl on the internet that he never meet and he start liking her some how and then he start dreaming of being with her..etc), I connect that huge unhappening dreams to the movie wall e the robot collect the garbage and do it as a square and put all of those squares on top of each other till he made buildings, I think those building (that made of garbage) are like the unhappening dreams!

How we got so addicted to it and why we never stopped doing it even though we know its not good for us?

The way a person gets addicted to digital devices, goes like this “the person having nothing to do all bored sitting home after school or work, so he try to find anything to makes him get out from the bored mood he’s in, so the only thing he goes 2 is a digital device to use like(computer TVS, video games..etc), then the second time he be bored, he do the same thing, and then he have things online that makes him wants to go back and check it like ”Face book, email…etc” or there is shows makes him go back to the TV to see what’s going to happen next, or wanting to finish the level of the video game your playing, little by little the person knows more and more about what’s there on the computer or t.v shows and then he be trying everything, and then HERE WERE ADDICTED, now we know that there is bad affects from it, we have to stop it or use it less than how much we do, we try and we fail because we got used to the laziness and sitting down and not moving.

it brings sickness to who use it a lot!
Yes it does bring sickness when we use it a lot, how?
When you get fatter from sitting down watching TVs and eating u get fater and fater, the sickness like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems. These are sickness from being fat.

A study says that fast food like (McDonalds food, burger kind…etc) makes heartaches that’s beside the cholesterol and the a lot of the sugar in the meal that makes sickness, we eat that because technology makes us lazier and have no time to make are own food!

Another thing that affect bad on us from digital devices are vision is getting bad from the laser that the screen gives any screen (small lentando screen, T.V screen, or it can be computer screen) and then we need glass’s or contact lenses which it means paying more money, first we paid for the digital device and now were paying to fix the bad thing we got from the device we bought, its paying money and money , while we can save all of that money and just go play sport and be active and healthy and not wear glass’s or have any sickness because were fat, all of that by just using less digital devices, we understand that many people can not live with out digital devices, or they cant imagine there life with out digital devices(that’s who’s addicted to it), but were not saying stop (text or watch TV or face book…etc) were just saying use it less than what you do and then by using it less you going to care less and then you probably going to stop it all.

For who’s not addicted to digital devices, I tell them to first look at the device and think how its going to help them and how its going to make them worse, and just take the good things and leave the bad stuff! This way well has a better world and better thinkers!

Overall, digital devices are affecting bad on our society and us, its bringing
sickness to us and making us not to do are actual work and waste are time on
stupid stuff!

my paper!

Eq: How is digital technology affecting bad on our society?

‘digital representation is making us lazier and unhealthy and it reduce us to stupid chines ordering slope

technology made the kids and teen stop doing there homework
and some of the adults stay up all night on the video game wasting time trying to finish some video games levels and go to work late! Which it gets all of who’s using it dumber that’s what I think, because there
always doing the same think and thinking of the same thing. Which it makes there minds close (only open for video games to think) like if someone keeps doing math it helps him to get better in math, but we use math a lot in our life, what do we get from video games that we use in our lives or makes us think better? And most of the video games that be played are killing games and shooting ones , so how is that going to help them think better and be smarter? Shoot and kill people and most of whos playing it are kids!

the people I use to live with in the middle east didn’t have that much of
electronic devices from (i-pods, TVs’, cell phones…etc) like the 20 years and up would have cell phones but they would only use it for emergencies not to text and waste time or call girls and talk to them for hours probably talking about the same thing again and again, any American person that’s living with all of these device’s would say how are these people in the middle east are living with out any of (i-pod, laptops, new cellphone…etc)?

I think there living a better life then us, simple and easy no headache and stress that we get from these digital devices or waste of time! And there way smarter kids in school, always doing there home works and studying for exam’s they don’t have face book to distract them or cell phones to text! There living a basic normal life not caring of what this guy or girl wrote on my wall, or should I go out with this guy or girl and all of this things we keep thinking of from using technology, like (Face book and My space…etc)

And an example of that is me, I used to live in Palestine and then I moved to America, there I had no i-pod , I had a cell phone but
I never texted on it, I just used it for emergencies(none of electronics devices to distract me from doing my work) I used to do my work in less time than what it takes me right now, Now when I try to do my homework I be like let me check face book and do work in the same time, then it takes me an hour doing that simple home work which it actually take 10 minutes if I focused on it, and it would take like an hour and I wouldn’t give me whole attention to it and it wont be good as what I use to do before!

people there have less stuff to make there life easier like people over here, and there doing better than us! They work hard to go in college! We here have financial aid for who ever doesn’t have the money to pay for college and scholars ships and all of these things that’s helps getting in college, and most of the kids have trouble going in colleges from not graduating and from the low gpa! Like if the people in the Middle East had what people over here have from chances to get in colleges and study you would see %90 of them in colleges.

I am not saying there isn’t any smart people over here at all. There is , but I
don’t think they be addicted to digital devices they probably have (Cell phones and laptops…etc) but they wont use them in a way that hurt them(waste there time)! Like they don’t fall into those stuff a lot, there paying more attention to school and actual things that’s going to get them somewhere in life, these are the people we can call smart!

From using digital devices a lot were not paying attention to what’s happening in the World, like this ozone problem that’s happening, and its happening because of us, by (burning are garbage and using a lot of cars…etc) all of these things dirty the air and causing the ozone problem!

This ozone problem is causing a lot of bad things, one of those things, the number of The people getting skin cancer is going up, and all of what were doing is just playing video games, who cares About “68,720 person that gets a skin cancer a year”wekipedia its not us who’s getting it, We can help to stop the number in going down, but we don’t know how we going to do That, we can search it but why would we? In the 10 minutes that would take us searching How we can stop that problem we can play video games or text someone! Isn’t that Ignorant, who knows probably next year it be one of are family who’s having that Problem or r self!

Why couldn’t we stop all of those stuff and pay more attention to the world and What’s happening, more than what levels were at in this video game or what’s happening on that t-v show!

Technologies made are life easier but it tokes from us more than what it gave us, from being smart and healthy to being unhealthy and less smart and the worst part that were paying for these devices a lot of money like an example($230 just for an i-pod touch) we can buy food for the whole week and for the whole family with this $230 isn’t that crazy? Aren’t we paying money for something that hurting us! . I’m not saying technology is not good at all, I know it made some of things way easier than before but in the same time it hurts us if we use it wrong, a good example of it is a knife and the knife depends on how you use it, you can use it to help you cut something, and it can hurt you if you use it wrong! Technology if you use it to waste your time and spend your money on unneeded stuff and get us unhealthy this way it hurts like the knife, and if we use it to search stuff and only call people for emergencies and good stuff this way it would help us!

technology makes the people who use digital devices a lot, get a bad health! From sitting down not moving and eating and looking at the screen not moving, but why were still doing it while we know its bad for us and its bad and how we got addicted to it?

Anyone in this world wish to have the best body and no one wish to be fat,
and the only way to get the best body is to work out or play sport so if we use a lot of digital devices we would never get that best body and be happy we would be fat and be sad!

(to connect it again to the middle east) in the Middle East I don’t see that much of fat and unhealthy

People most of them go play sport on the weekend not Sit home in front of screens and get fatter and fatter, eating fast food the food we
order on the phone because (were 2 lazy to make food in are kitchen from are clean hands and clean kitchen tools)And sitting in front of screen (TV or computer or PSP…etc) for hours not moving just opening are eyes makes the person gets fat no matter what!

What do we get from the digital devices (TVs or computers…etc) ok let’s say we use them to talk to people or search stuff, but what ells? Making some dreams and were just talking and talking about those dreams and were not doing anything to make those dreams to come true, because we don’t have time to do anything ells from using the digital devices(like to work and get money to go somewhere for vecation as a dream) ! So we just get those huge dreams that probably are never going to come true(like a guy talking to a girl on the internet that he never meet and he start liking her some how and then he start dreaming of being with her..etc), I connect that huge unhappening dreams to the movie wall e the robot collect the garbage and do it as a square and put all of those squares on top of each other till he made buildings, I think those building (that made of garbage) are like the unhappening dreams!

How we got so addicted to it and why we never stopped doing it even though we know its not good for us?

The way a person gets addicted to digital devices, goes like this “the person having nothing to do all bored sitting home after school or work, so he try to find anything to makes him get out from the bored mood he’s in, so the only thing he goes 2 is a digital device to use like(computer TVS, video games..etc), then the second time he be bored, he do the same thing, and then he have things online that makes him wants to go back and check it like ”Face book, email…etc” or there is shows makes him go back to the TV to see what’s going to happen next, or wanting to finish the level of the video game your playing, little by little the person knows more and more about what’s there on the computer or t.v shows and then he be trying everything, and then HERE WERE ADDICTED, now we know that there is bad affects from it, we have to stop it or use it less than how much we do, we try and we fail because we got used to the laziness and sitting down and not moving.

it brings sickness to who use it a lot!
Yes it does bring sickness when we use it a lot, how?
When you get fatter from sitting down watching TVs and eating u get fater and fater, the sickness like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems. These are sickness from being fat.

A study says that fast food like (McDonalds food, burger kind…etc) makes heartaches that’s beside the cholesterol and the a lot of the sugar in the meal that makes sickness, we eat that because technology makes us lazier and have no time to make are own food!

Another thing that affect bad on us from digital devices are vision is getting bad from the laser that the screen gives any screen (small lentando screen, T.V screen, or it can be computer screen) and then we need glass’s or contact lenses which it means paying more money, first we paid for the digital device and now were paying to fix the bad thing we got from the device we bought, its paying money and money , while we can save all of that money and just go play sport and be active and healthy and not wear glass’s or have any sickness because were fat, all of that by just using less digital devices, we understand that many people can not live with out digital devices, or they cant imagine there life with out digital devices(that’s who’s addicted to it), but were not saying stop (text or watch TV or face book…etc) were just saying use it less than what you do and then by using it less you going to care less and then you probably going to stop it all.

For who’s not addicted to digital devices, I tell them to first look at the device and think how its going to help them and how its going to make them worse, and just take the good things and leave the bad stuff! This way well has a better world and better thinkers!

Overall, digital devices are affecting bad on our society and us, its bringing
sickness to us and making us not to do are actual work and waste are time on
stupid stuff!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

h.w #19 again

I like how your paper has a lot of researches, I like the way how your using, how people used to see things in the past and how we see it now is an a strong way to use so I guess u should use it more and more in the paper and if you like ask and answer questions it be a good way 2, And I actually don’t know what to ells I can tell you to do in this papers your actually doing an amazing job! *I wish if I know the English you know* lol

h.w #19 again

I like how your paper has a lot of researches, I like the way how your using, how people used to see things in the past and how we see it now is an a strong way to use so I guess u should use it more and more in the paper and if you like ask and answer questions it be a good way 2, And I actually don’t know what to ells I can tell you to do in this papers your actually doing an amazing job! *I wish if I know the English you know* lol

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

h.w #19

Your thesis and arguments and are good and strong, I don’t think you need to change anything in them, so am try to give you some idea’s to what to write about this arguments and for evidence, so for argument one you can say that people got fat because they don’t play sport and they stay home watching t.v not playing any sport…..and you keep going on with this point, and you can say that it made ordering fast food easier to us, like you can order pizza online or call for it, so sitting home watching TVs and ordering fast food! (You can add on this how bad is the fast food and how its unhealthy and it cause some heart problems!)
for argument 2 you can talk about how we just start by one text message or just trying to check face book and then from just trying to check it you stay for hours and then you go on conversations with friends that you cant cut, see we started from just checking and ended up staying online for hours and you cant stop!
argument 3 I don’t get the point of it, I am sorry I cant think of any idea’s to help you talking about it!
Argument 4 I think you can talk how when people watch some movies it affects on them to the level it changes the way they live there life, which is to the bad! And it makes them want to do some crazy stuff like killing people or even killing themselves or when they see some romance movies and it gives them those wrong idea’s about love….you keep going on that point!

*I hope I helped you ,I know your smart and you going to do great, good luck!

Monday, November 2, 2009

h.w #18

Eq: How is digital technology affecting bad on our society?

The overuse of technology present in the USA shows signs of laziness and
unhealthy behavior. Which leads to a nation of indoor activity and bad eating habits?

or this thesis ‘ digital representation is making us lazier and unhealthy and that it reduce us to stupid chines ordering slop.

(sarrah and abe, tell me which thesis is more powerful?)
Argument 1:-(society)

it made the kids and the teen and some of the adults stop doing there homework

and the some adults stay up all night on the video game trying to finish some level

and go to work late! Which it get all of whos using it a lot dumber because there

always doing the same think and thinking of the same thing. Which it makes there minds close (only open for video games to think).

Evidence: the people I use to live with in the middle east didn’t have that much of

electronic devices from (i-pods, TVs’, cell phones…etc) like the 20 years and up

would have cell phones but they would only use it for emergencies not to text and

waste time or call girls and talk to them for hours probably talking about the same thing again and agin, any American person that living

with all of these device’s would say how are these people in the middle east areliving? I think there living a

better life then us, simple and easy! And there way smarter kids in school always

doing there home works and studying for exam’s they don’t have face book to

distract them or cell phones to text! And an example of that is me, I used to live in

Palestine and then I moved to America, there I had no i-pod , I had a cell phone but

I never texted on it, I just used it for emergencies(none of electronics devices to

distract me from doing my work) I used to do my work in less time than what it

takes me right now! Now when I try to do my homework I be like let me check face

book and do work, then it takes me hours doing that simple home work!

And the proof that people there are smarter, because I think they have less money

and less stuff to make there life easier, and there doing better than us! They work

hard to go to college! Us we have financial aid for who ever doesn’t have money to

pay for college and scholars ships and all that and most of the kids have trouble

going into colleges! Like if the people in the Middle East had what people over here

have from chances to get in colleges and study you would see %90 of them in

colleges, I am not saying there is not smart people over here at all. There is , but I \

don’t think they be addicted to digital devices as who were talking about from the American that be using digital devices like crazy!

From using digital devices a lot were not paying attention to what’s happening in the

World, like this ozone problem that’s happening from us using plastic stuff and

Burning them and burning other stuff and using cars , all of that dirty the air!.

This ozone problem is causing a lot of bad things, one of those things, the number of

The people getting skin cancer is going up, were just playing video games, who cares

About “68,720 person that gets a skin cancer a year”wekipedia its not us who’s getting it,

We can help to stop the number on going down, but we don’t know how we going to do

That, we can search it but why would we? In the 10 minutes that would take us searching

How we can stop that problem we can play video games or text someone! Isn’t that

Ignorant, who knows probably next year it be one of are family who’s having that

Problem! Why couldn’t we stop all of those stuff and pay more attention to the world and

What’s happening, more than what levels were at in this video game or what’s happening on that t-v show!

Technologies made are life easier but it tokes from us more than what it gave us,

from being smart and healthy to being unhealthy and less smart and the worst part

that were paying for these devices a lot of money like an example($230 just for an i-

pod touch) we can buy food for the whole week and for the whole family with this

$230 isn’t that crazy? Aren’t we paying money for something that hurting us! . I’m

not saying technology is not good at all, I know it made some of things way easier

than before but in the same time it hurts us if we use it wrong, a good example of it

is a knife and the knife depends on how you use it, you can use it to help you cut

something, and it can hurt you if you use it wrong!

Argument 2:-( and it makes the people who use digital devices a lot, get

a bad health! From sitting down not moving and eating and looking at the screen

not moving, but why were still doing it while we know its bad for us and how we got addicted to it?

Evidence: Anyone in this world wish to have the best body and no one wish to be fat,

and the only way to get the best body is to work out or play sport so if we use a lot

od digital devices we would never get that best body and be happy we would be fat and be sad!
(to connect it again to the middle east) in the Middle East I don’t see that much of fat and unhealthy

People most of them go play sport on the weekend not

Sit home in front of screens and get fatter and fatter, eating fast food the food we

order on the phone because (were 2 lazy to make food in are kitchen from are clean hands and clean kitchen tools)

And sitting in front of screen (TV or computer or PSP…etc) for hours not moving just

opening are eyes makes the person gets fat no matter what!

What do we get from the digital devices (TVs or computers…etc) ok let’s say we use

them to talk to people, but what ells? Making some dreams and were just talking and

talking and were not doing anything to make are dreams to come true, because we

don’t have time to do anything ells from using the digital devices! So we just get

those huge dreams that are never going to come true, I connect that huge

unhappening dreams to the movie wall e the robot collect the garbage and do it as a

square and put all of those squares on top of each other till he made buildings, I

think those building (that made of garbage) are like the unhappening dreams!

How we got so addicted to it and why we never stopped doing it even though we know its not good for us?

The way a person gets addicted to digital devices, goes like this “the person having

nothing to do all bored sitting home after school or work, so he try to find anything

to makes him get out from the bored mood he’s in, so the only thing he goes 2 is a

digital device to use like(computer TVS, video games..etc), then the second time he

be bored, he do the same thing, and then he have things online that makes him

wants to go back and check it like”facebook, email…etc” or there is shows makes

him go back to the TV to see what’s going to happen next, or wanting to finish the

level of the video game your playing, little by little the person knows more and more

about what’s there on the computer or t.v shows and then he be trying everything,

and then HERE WERE ADDICTED, now we know that there is bad affects from it, we

have to stop it or use it less than how much we do, we try and we fail because we got used to the laziness and sitting down and not moving.

Argument 3: it brings sickness to who use it a lot!

Yes it does bring sickness when we use it a lot, how?
When you get fatter from sitting down watching TVs and eating, the fat brings the

sickness like diabetes, high blood pressure, some cancers and heart problems. These are

sickness from being fat, and how we got fat, from watching TVs and eating fast food !

Another thing that affect bad on us from digital devices are vesion getting bad from the

laser that the screen gives any screen (small lentando screen, T.V screen, or it can be

computer screen) and then we need glass’s or contact lenses which it means paying more

money, first we paid for the digital device and now were paying to fix the bad thing we

got from the device we bought, its paying money and money , while we can save all of

that money and just go play sport and be active and healthy and not wear glass’s or have

any sickness because were fat, all of that by just using less digital devices, we understand

that many people can not live with out digital devices, or they cant imagine there life with

out digital devices(that’s who’s addicted to it), but were not saying stop (text or watch t.v

or face book…etc) were just saying use it less than what you do, and for who’s not

addicted to digital devices, I tell them to first look at the device and think how its going

to help them and how its going to make them worse, and just take the good things and

leave the bad stuff! This way well has a better world and better thinkers!

Overall, digital devices are affecting bad on our society and us, its bringing

sickness to us and making us not to do are actual work and waste are time on
stupid stuff!

h.w #17

I like your thesis, I think there good enough and you don’t need to change them, and the argument are strong and good, am tell you some stuff that u can say or add on argument one like “ u can say people success more on other places when they don’t use that much of technology because they have more time to do other stuff and just even try them and see how good they are and if they would like it or not.
And about argument 2, if you need to ask anything about how there is in the middle east or an questions id be able to answer and help! But id be good 2 if mention that “ iif they have those stuff they’d probably be bad as teen of America”
Argument 3; u can connect argument 3 to what u said, that you got jelouse from your parents or you wanted to do it even more, to have an email and hear that “ you have a new mail” that’s it was your family fault in some how, and then you can say that we weren’t that young when we started using digital devices and we got that addicted on using it after 3 or 4 years, how is the kids that started using it while there 4 or 5 years how bad are they gonna be in the future? And how is that going to help are future to get better and get the world to a better place?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

h.w #16

Eq: How is digital technology affecting bad on our society?

Thesis: The electronic representation today has made us lazier and unhealthy .
to the level that people sometimes don’t go outside for days and ordering food on the phone (2 lazy to make there own food)

Argument 1:-(society)

it made the kids and the teen and some of the adults stop doing there homework and the some adults stay up all night on the video game trying to finish some level and go to work late! Which it get all of whos using it a lot dumber because there always doing the same think and thinking of the same thing. Which it makes there minds close (only open for video games to think).

Evidence: the people I use to live with in the middle east didn’t have that much of electronic devices from (i-pods, TVs’, cell phones…etc) like the 20 years and up would have cell phones but they would only use it for emergencies not to text and waste time or call girls and talk to them for hours, any American person that living with all of these device’s would say how are these people living? I think there living a better life then us, simple and easy! And there way smarter kids in school always doing there home works and studying for exam’s they don’t have face book to distract them or cell phones to text!

Argument 2:-( and it makes the people who use digital devices a lot, get a bad vision and a bad health! From sitting down not moving and eating and looking at the screen that gives the laser that hurt are eye’s

Evidence: there(in the middle east) I don’t see that much of fat and unhealthy people most of them go play soccer or basketball or volleyball on the weekend not sitting home in front of screens and getting fatter and fatter, and eating fast food and sitting home in front of screen makes the person gets fat no matter what!

Overall, digital technology is affecting bad on our society and its making us only thinking of whats going to happen tomorrow not on are future or are kids future!

h.w #15


I agree on this point with you “A new kind of “Feed” that has been brought into our lives is Face book” face book and how everyone is addicted to it, even kids! Which is the worst thing for kids because it would probably give them some ideas that are not good for them.
And you said “Something I notice about this society and a key element to the book Feed is the idea that teenagers, those who will lead us in the future are the main ones addicted to technology. That is not to say that I don’t agree with that statement” I argue you with that because it is true, if were addicted to video gamews and not doing are homework’s or getting any smarter how we are going to get the world in a better place?
you said that “To be quite honest I find videogames quite boring. Maybe its because when my brain was more absorbent I wasn’t absorbing the love for these virtual realties but it seems as though most people were”
I connect that to what Andy said in class , that he don’t watch T.V and because he thinks its not made for him or his mind, something like that!
I wanted to answer a question you asked in which is” how we got addicted to digital devices?” I think we got addicted to it because when we have nothing to do we just go use computer or watch T.V and we kept doing that, and then when we found that doing that is not good (using digital device’s) and we tried to stop it we were used to it to the level we cant even stop it!
Your post makes me consider if the world is going to get any better in the future since all the teen right now addicted to video games and watching T.V and Face book!

I enjoyed reading your posts , and like how I told you before you’re a smart girl Sarah, keep It going!
I agree with you on that point” that watching a movie version of any book is better than reading it” I think I would understand it better with the movie version and we would get the idea of the book in like an hour not days of reading the book.
You said “I think that the book could be read by adults but was written in a way that it was also kid friendly so that teen could read it if they wanted to” I don’t think that the book was writing for adults I think it was writing for teenagers and if adults wanted to read it to remember there teen time and compare it to (teen today).
I connect what you said “The book is just showing us what is happening to us and what our world has turn to. But it doesn’t say how to stop the feed.” To what many students said in class, that the book is telling us what’s happening and not telling us the solution to the problem.
Your post makes me wonder if the teen in this world are going to stay this way or they going to stop being addicted to (video games and TVs’…etc) after feed pointed out the problem there having out!

You did a good job, I enjoyed reading your posts thanks!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

h.w # 14

I read the short article about video games, the author is telling us that video game have good effects and bad effects on the person! The good thing that it makes you think sometimes or depending on the game your playing, makes you to think and figure out how to get other stuff to get to the next level! And the bad thing which is sitting home being in-active and not social with the world, reading books would be a better choice because it would make you think and get you smarter and it doesn’t hurt your eyes like how TVs does to the eyes!

johns made an argument that video games are created to make you curious wanting to know what’s the next game coming out and that’s why its addicting, but me my self I don’t think I would get addicted to video games, because its not like something in are blood that we need it to be normal, I can do other stuff that makes me forget about video games and just not think of it, I was about to buy an Xbox and a TV to put in my room like a month ago! But after what we learned in class I stopped! Because I didn’t want to get addicted to the TV and the Xbox and then stay up till 3 or 4 am and go to school late! Like what happened with Kevin! Or stay on it the whole day and be not healthy at all!

I think the article doesn’t agree with “feed” in everything because the author of the article believes that there is bad and good things in the digital world, but “feed” all his saying is that digital world is effecting bad on us and we should stop it and there is not good stuff from it not even a little! But I think the article and “feed” agreed on the one same point which is (reading books) and they said it make us think better and get in a better place than where we are right now! Better than doing other digital stuff like (TV’S, texting, face book…etc)

*I have some problems in reading English, it was hard for me but I tried my best!

feed B h.w #13

ART, I think it’s a piece of art because he made that imagine in are minds of what he’s talking about in the book and the image was of (comparing us teen to the character in the book) and that images came from reading the good words and the great meaning of them in the book, it’s a good way to write a book and make the reader have some images of what he’s trying to improve because it be easier to the reader to understand what’s going on!
Art is not a mirror with which to reflect the world. It is a hammer with which to shape it."-Bert Brecht
I think “feed” was like a mirror because its showing us what were doing in life and how things are going (same as the mirror it shows u if your smiling or jumping ...Etc).
I think if it was as a film we would have understood more stuff more clearly and better like when he was talking about the…. I didn’t know what that looks like, if it was as a movie it would have showed us and we would have knew how it looks and we would have knew what’s the other person is going to say probably!
I don’t think the writer of feed meant us(teens) in his book because other people are going to read his book like adults, adults the one that had less technology as we do today! The writer wanted us to connect what he’s trying to say in his book to are own life’s, to change the way we see life and get the right way to live it!

feed A h.w #12

feed, its basically talking about how were depending a lot on technology in our life to the level were addicted to it and we cant stop doing some certain stuff like (watching TVs, playing video games, cell phones, computers) , its might not clear to some people that there living that life, because they cant notice these stuff because there using them everyday and its normal to them they cant notice that its effecting bad on them some how! Feed is making of us and I think he can make fun of us because he’s right In his point and we deserve it!

feed is telling that what were doing in life is nothing and were getting nowhere , because if we want to calculate something well use a calculator if we want to get any information about anything well just go Google it on the computer or phone! This way were not getting any smarter, technology is closing are minds and making us think that its impossible to do what the devises can do for us(get information or calculate anything …etc) its like just use what we got from devise’s to get what we want (information or what ever) and not think of other way to get what we want and get smarter and be independent!

I agree with feed about are digital lives, were not doing anything we be texting most of the time with people probably talking about same stuff again and again, just wasting are own time , sitting not moving or doing anything healthy pressing these buttons! I am one of these people that be texting a lot, and I cant stop it its like I got addicted to it, its not just me its most of the teen in America were not getting the world any better, teen in the middle east don’t have i-pods or cell phones to text but most of them are doing there homework always and getting A’s in there class’s, because I think they don’t have anything to distract them on doing there homework and studying for there exams, and they want to learn so they can get money and live better life! We here have the money and cloths and girls and cell phone…etc and were not doing good as them!

most teens wont get to the tragic level of feed or they wont even notice it, most teens knows that what there doing is a problem and a waste of time (from texting and playing video games for hours…etc) they just don’t care and I don’t think they see it as a problem, because there having fun and there is nothing effecting bad that second on them, they don’t know that they could do a lot of other things that can teach them new stuff like reading books and they could like play sports better than playing video games(sitting down just watching the screen, imagining your self moving and jumping while your just sitting and not moving except of your fingers) , some teen just copy other people In texting and all that stuff because they think its cool to do because there friend is doing it and there friend is cool, its being someone else not themselves!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

hw #10

"And it is not all video games, it is the one's that are rated "mature" that parents are getting for their kids. i think it is the parents fault in some way at least."

this line is the most line that toke my attention, because i think i agree with the writer point! if it wasnt the parents whos paying the money to get the little kid the (xbox, playstation3...etc) then thwy wont be adicated to it and they would be doing some other good stuff! and if the parents tell there kid if hes old enough to work and get the money to buy that video game! than when the kid have the money and see how hard he worked to get the money he would think of other better stuff to buy tha th video game i guess!

there saying how bad ipods is effecting on us from the high volume on the ear! and its true because its happening to me, i always have my ipod on the highest volume so it makes my hearing less and less! and there is another thing bad from the ipods which is keep buying the latest one and buying songs on itunes! we can buy the songs from any other website for free and save are money, and buy some other good and better stuff for us!

this line was intresting "As far as dating goes you really have to be carefully if you do this on the Internet it should be done with cautious, because you really don''t know who yor''re picking up on the Internet" and its happening alot these days, 14 and 16 going on dates, do they really know what being in a realtionship means? from just seiding eachother pictures and talking on ther computer for couple of days and lets says weeks,i dont think this should make someone go with someone els on a date!

i liked the idea there giving us to make the bad effects on the kids less than when it be in there rooms, but let me ask this questions, how maney house is doing that? i think it would be %20 or probably less!
"perhaps the computer should be in the front room for everyone in your household to use, instead of in your childs bedroom"

hw #9

You had some background noise and a friend in the back, which is like what u “said there was life going on in your world besides just the technology world happening.”
And my bad about someone that was holding the camera for you but that’s what I thought!
Answering your question
don't you agree that you are apart of this laziness while you are using technology?

Well yes I am , but I am adicated on using the computer and being lazy after using it for years so there is no way on stopping that habit ! So I’m just dealing with it, but lately I have no time to use the computer a lot because of work and school and home works so Its stopping me from using the computer a lot!

And I liked how you decided on going on a walk with your parents rather than sitting on Facebook, this way you can talk to your parents more and get closer to them and this way they feel that your closer to them and I think it would make a better relationship than before (you sitting on Facebook and them on T.V).

I agree with you on “The world has a generic computer look. It makes us all look like lazy human beings” and its only because were all doing the same thing buying the same things, doing the same thing on the computer! Facebook or myspace or chatting talking about stupid stuff and wasting are time!

hw #11

when i always go in the train i always put my ipod on and for one time i trist to put it away to see whats going to be diffrent, so i did, and what happend that i felt like the time is not ending and the train is taking so long between the stops and i kept looking at the people and it was not uncombfortable so i put back on because i couldnt stand it!

and i did the same thing while i was walking to work, its 7 blocks away from my house, the same thing happend so i put my ipod back on! ipod make's time go faster i think because we be having somthing to take are attetnion than thinking of when im gonna get to the next stop in the train or next block!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

h.m #8


I like how your saying that “were becoming like robots” were actually robots to the computer in some how, because when you be on the computer if you want something you have to do something to get it, like if you want to sign in on aim you need to put your password and screen name so the computer is making you do something so your actually taking orders from the computer in some how, and it makes the person that uses the computer like a robots in my eyes! I don’t know how other people think of it, but that’s the way I think of it!

In your writing u said I felt like I had no emotions , am argue you with that1 you had emotions but you didn’t show them your just seeing your self inside the computer your focusing a lot in the computer and the videos your watching and the music your listening to and the conversation your having with your friend and you smiled in the beginning because you were looking at the camera and you have your attention to the camera so there is some emotions!
I connect what we were saying in the class about doing many stuff in the same time, to what your doing, your watching videos and recording your self and talking to your friend, so when you be watching the video you forget chatting with your friend and you put your attention on the video and when your friend sends you something you go back to the conversation and you forget about the video! And then you had to stop the recording after 2 minutes, so many stuff in one time taking your attention and making you focuses there and like not do anything else or show any other emotions!
you used the headphone and not any cell phones or TVs and Sarah used the phone and not headphones and I used everything together haha! You could have used more digital devices to make you show probably more emotions or so we can see you using many stuff!
Your video makes me consider if using the computer and not moving at all for hours and holding us from eating or eating and sitting on the computer! Makes us fatter or skinner, and if we stop using it for hours would we get better health?
I like your writing about the video and what you thing of yourself and how you look like sitting on the computer for hours but in 2 minutes video recording! And your writing popped out a thought in my head about the robot and how we are robots for computers!
I enjoyed reading your writing about the video, and I liked how there was someone holding the camera for you and you were talking to them and then you told them to stop because its started recording. Hahah, and then after a little of talking to that person that’s holding the camera for you I felt like you forgot all about them you forgot that there is someone in front of you and you were focusing on the fb or MySpace whatever your doing on the internet! And then texting and then back to the computer! It toke your attention to forget someone sitting in front of you.
While you’re sitting on the internet I guess on (fb or MySpace) you were surprised from something to the level that you were chewing gum and when you saw that thing on the internet your face gave the surprised expression and you stopped chewing the gum both in the same time!
I connect how she stopped chocking gum and had the expression face to what we were talking in the class (disbodiment/displacement) that’s the person lose his/her control on what there doing from there face expression to stop chewing the gum to probably moving there hands or screaming, and that’s what happened with you Sarah you stopped chewing gum and your face gave the surprised expression!
You could have showed us what were you doing on the internet(your on MySpace or fb or watching videos on YouTube) and like it would be good too if you had a headphones on to show that you be doing more than one thing in one time like texting and computer and listening to music, even though when you be focusing on the internet or texting you forge the music you don’t hear the music anymore for a second in some how!

The video makes me consider if I be giving expression faces a lot and I was wondering how like all are attention goes to the thing were doing on the (computer or phone …etc) and we forget what were doing or the place were sitting at or even the people were sitting with! And it makes us sometimes to hold are selves from using the bathroom or eating if were hungry! But if it was homework to do we would go use the bathroom and eat and do everything and keep the homework till the end!

I really liked your video because it made me feel like I’m not just doing a homework I actually felt like I am learning something through this!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Untitled from mohammed masoud on Vimeo.

Mohammed Masoud
• What are some thoughts and feelings you have when watching your own video?
• I thought that I am just a Robert doing some stuff that he have to do! Not moving, and I felt by looking at the video that I cant move from the couch, that I have to stay sitting down and I wasn’t feeling that while I was texting and listening to music on my I-pod and being on face book!

• When you think about living your physical experience being largely what is shown on the video, how does that seem to you?
I didn’t believe that I stay like this sitting down doing nothing except of moving my hands and for hours, I felt like I am a lazy person and if I would do that for hours everyday I would turn a fat kid

• Would you want your little sister (or future son) to spend a lot of time doing this stuff?
• No I wouldn’t like that for my little sister or my future son, and if you tell me why u don’t like it to your little sister or future son but your doing it, its because I got used to it already and I cant just stop it like that! So I won’t let my little sister or my future son to do it and get addicted to it and focus more in school and play more sports and have a better health and a better life!

• What do you think of the contrast between what's happening ON the digital representation device and what you look like interacting with the DRD?
• I looked like I was interacted with it a lot because I was smiling and I had this shocked face for a second from reading some text messages that I had! So I was focusing on it a lot more than other things!

• What do you think of ideas like the Wii that are supposed to make this contrast less stark?
I think the Wii is a video game but it had less bad effecting on the kids or the person whos playing than other video games because when you play on the Wii you move and be active not sitting down and not moving! Its like playing a real sport!

My best friend
1) What do you think about technology?
I think technology is good, because with out of technology we would be bored because no cell phones no video games no TVs no iPods ect…

2) Do you think that it’s affecting bad on us?

Yes and no! Yes it is, because people stay in front of the video games for hours, they can’t go out and do something and be more active!
No, because what we would be entertained with?

3)What would you think if technology was never invented and today society?
Life would be so dull and boring and people won’t know each other as much as they do today!

Homeless guy!
1) What do you think about technology?
It would be boring and we would have nothing to do!
I think technology shouldn’t be updated as it is today

2) Do you think it’s affecting bad on us?
Yes! Because people as in today are not as physical as they should be, since this technology makes them slack around.

3) What would you think if technology was never invented and today society?
if this technology wasn’t invented it would be more peace around the world since there wouldn’t be as much as violent.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

hw 4 first comment

A)i like how he is talking about the gaming and playing with friends while you be in diffrent places not in the same room and how it effects on him and i think he even does that and he knows it effects bad on him but hes still doing it!

B)you said it makes us stay home and lazy well evrything have a good thing and a bad thing, and we can take the good thing from it which is help researching and watching the news...etc , and get away from the bad stuff like wasting are time on it,not syaing dont play on the xbox , but not for hours, you have other stuff that you would do that would be fun and has less bad effecting on you!

C)i connect what he said that other people doesnt have phones or can order food online or on the phone because i think they dont have money thats first and they dont have the phones and computers! and these people r smarter and they be doing there homeworks and they be healthier than the people that do has these stuff!

D)i want to point out somthing on the " stop becoming this country more and more based on electronics" i think we be able to do that, because almost evrything now a days based on it, so if we going to stop its going to be hard and i dont think were able to do that! but what if somthing happend and got all the internet caught, what would we do in that time?

E)this post made me think of this question, what would happen to the people that has none of (phones or computers and xbox...etc) if we give them all these stuff?

F)i think kareem did a pretty good jop and he tried to expalne his thoughts good!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

some of the topices that the digital unite suggest to me is {company combition (new hot product) ipod, shop at home ( stay home ), new version (emails --> oldmail).when we sit on the computer or we be texting on the phone or watching t.v for hours thats a waste of time, and its not good for are eyes because of the lazer thing that the screen has.
Its not good for are health 2 because we be always sitting down on the computer or t.v, playing sport for having fun is much better than the computers and t.vs! using emails and paying bills online made using the mail less, and alot of the mail offices closed because they have no business, what if we lose the internet in the future what would we do? we be having not mail offices alot like before and we be having no email or intrnet to pay are bills onlinesome of the good stuff that we get from the electronices/ digitla stuff, is like knowing the weather for the next day or for the whole week, hearing the news and knowing whats going around in the world, getting to know more people by facebook or myspace!